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Irish Rider Joint 1st In Intermediare II Class - Barzago CDI*** Italy 25th May 2003

On her first international outing this season Irish rider Heike Holstein from Carbury, County Kildare placed joint 1st along with French rider Dominique d'Esme in the Intermediare II class at Barzago CDI*** in Italy this morning (Sunday 25th May 2003). Riding the imposing Hannovarian gelding Welt Adel Heike scored 66.48% for the win. Swiss rider Sylvia Ikle riding Salieri placed third with a score of 66.39%.

Heike Holstein and Welt Adel. This image is the property of Dressage Ireland

International Dressage Competition

Intermediare II

Eq 1. WELT ADEL;Heike HOLSTEIN; (IRL) 66.48%
Eq 1. PRINCE BALOU GFD;Dominique d'ESME;(FRA) 66.48%
3. SALIERI: Sylvia IKLE; (SUI) 66.39%


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