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horse Show Jumping Results: CSI*** Cervia Italy 9-11 May 2003

Class No.11 - 6/7 yr old Two-Phase
Saturday, May 10, 2003

1) Luis Francisco de Azevedo (BRA) Nostradamus Bois Madame; Faults 0/0
Time 29.20
2) Conor Swail (IRL) Windgates Sensation; Faults 0/0 Time 29.31
3) Katharina Offel (GER) Canaille; Faults 0/0 Time 30.17

Class No.18 - 6/7 yr old Mixed Class
Sunday, May 11, 2003

1) Ignace Philips (BEL) Ospardie Faults 0/0 Time 29.44
2) Harry Smolders (NED) Oliver Q Faults 0/0 Time 30.38
3) Albert Zoer (NED) Odierike Faults 0/0 Time 30.56
4) Conor Swail (IRL) Windgates Sensation Faults 0/0 Time 30.90

7) Cameron Hanley (IRL) Olga Faults 0/0 Time 32.81


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