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horse Show Jumping Results: CSI* Balmoral 14-16 May 2003

SJ 5 The 'Mitsubishi' International Speed Stakes
Thursday, May 15, 2003

1) Dark Flight; Clem McMahon Time 51.05 (IRL)
2. Parlando; Conor Swail Time 52.15 (IRL)
3. Jalisco; Scott Smith Time 53.36 (GBR)
SJ7: Giltspur Scientific International Top Score
Friday, May 16, 2003

1) Hermes De Reve; Clem McMahon Points 1250 (IRL)
2. Pollycor; Edward Doyle Points 1190 (IRL)
3. ABC Landiebe; Cian O'Connor Points 1130 (IRL)
SJ8 The ‘Powers Irish Whiskey’ International Show Jumping Competiton
Friday, May 16, 2003

1) Ginger Watt; Dermott Lennon (IRL) No Times or Faults provided
2) Mahon Point; Cian O'Connor (IRL) No Times or Faults provided
3) Junior; Andrew Saywell (GBR) No Times or Faults provided


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