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horse Show Jumping Results: CSI*** Aach Germany 23 - 25 May 2003

Preis der Stadt Singen
Youngster-Tour - 1.Qualifikation - Group A/B
Friday, May 23, 2003

1) Itot du Chateau; Hecart, Michel (FRA) Faults 0 Time 56.26
2) Kustenfee; Luther, Hauke (GER) Faults 0 Time 57.79
3) Acajou; Merschformann, Markus (GER) Faults 0 Time 58.11

6) Laurus; Kurten, Jessica (IRL) Faults 0 Time 60.01

71 starters

Preis der Turniergemeinschaft CSI Aach - Group A
Friday, May 23, 2003

1) Quick Flash; Mc Intosh, Samantha (BUL) Faults 0 Time 62.58
2) L.B. Omar; Marschall, Manfred (GER) Faults 0 Time 62.94
3) Charlottenhof's Athl; Ronne, Soren von (GER) Faults 0 Time 63.56

9) Quibell; Kurten, Jessica (IRL) Faults 0 Time 68.70

98 starters


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