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horse Show Jumping Results: CSI*** Aach Germany 23 - 25 May 2003

Preis des Sportpferde-Zentrums Hirtenhof
Zeitspringen (Speed) Group A
Saturday, May 24 2003

1) Landfurst FCS; Whitaker, Michael (GBR) Time 66.11
2) Lanitop; Fervers, Fritz (GER) Time 66.30
3) Gogo-Girl; Gripshover, Lutz (GER) Time 66.47

7) Quibell; Kurten, Jessica (IRL) Time 68.88

47 starters
Preis der Firma Haring Wohnraumgestaltung, Pfaffenweiler
Zeitspringen (Speed) Group B
Saturday, May 24 2003

1) Carina; Witzemann, Andy (GER) Time 63.68
2) Classic Jumping CK; Honold, Benjamin (GER) Time 64.17
3) Royal Beach Cupid; Sas-Jaworski, Bohdan (POL) Time 64.86

7) ABC Cardinale; Howley, Ciaran (IRL) Time 67.18 (63.18)

42 starters


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