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New York's new Frost & Reed fine art gallery showcases amazing talents of contemporary sporting artists Heather St. Clair Davis, Peter Smith and Booth Malone

New York, NY Jan 20th - Two contemporary British equestrian artists, Heather St. Clair Davis and Peter Smith, and a celebrated American sporting artist, Booth Malone, are the subject of spring shows at the new Frost & Reed fine art gallery on New York's Upper East Side. The exhibitions are timed to coincide with thoroughbred racing's popular "Triple Crown," which includes one event at New York's Belmont race track, in June.
Frost & Reed has a long relationship as sole agent for Peter Smith and was the exclusive representative of the late Heather St. Clair Davis. They are delighted to also have new works by American Booth Malone to share with their many New York clients.
It is only a few months since the well known King Street gallery, established in 1808, opened at 21 East 67 Street in Manhattan. Although half of its business has been with Americans for decades, many familiar with Frost & Reed from visits to London or the numerous US art fairs where it has exhibited, in fact the firm began making annual tours of America in 1884, when Walter Frost traveled across the US with 20 trunks of art.
Today, Frost & Reed is well known for exhibiting fine Impressionist and Post Impressionist and 20th century European art, as well as for being a respected specialist in classic and contemporary equestrian and sporting art.

Frost & Reed had a long relationship with British painter Heather St Clair Davis (1937-1999). This is the first show of her works in Saratoga Springs since her death 4 years ago.
Shown above is "Evening After the Rain" 16 X 20.

According to managing director Tony Nevill, "For nearly a quarter century Frost & Reed has been a featured exhibitor at the annual racing event in Saratoga Springs, and we have also shown significant works of art in Radnor and at Churchill Downs."
"We are great supporters of a number of contemporary equestrian artists, and have helped to develop the careers of some of the most talented, including Heather St. Clair Davis, (1937-1999) who's been called a worthy successor to someone I knew and admired, Sir Alfred Munnings, one of the great painters of his time."
From April 9 to May 24 Frost & Reed in New York will have on view a beautiful array of works by Davis, who not only was one of the most gifted and original artists of her era, but a horsewoman of international renown.
"Heather was one of my favorites," Nevill adds. "She had tremendous spirit and a great sense of adventure. She nearly drowned on an Atlantic voyage with her baby strapped to her chest, then lived for years on an isolated Vermont farm without electricity or water, raising three children virtually on her own, and went on to achievement both as a horsewoman and a gifted painter."
Frost & Reed held its first Davis exhibition in London in 1989, of landscape and sporting works she created at their urging in her native Gloucestershire, after 30 years away, where Nevill says, "She found exactly the light and landscape she had been trying to recreate in Vermont."
"Now Davis's paintings of hunting scenes, race horses exercising, the excitement of steeplechasing or racing on the flat are as sought-after as her pictures of horses after a morning ride or quietly grazing in a sweeping landscape. Her work was inspired and original and for every painting she had a great story to tell."
Davis died in 1999 and the headstone she designed simply says, "She tried."
Frost & Reed has represented contemporary Scottish painter Peter Smith (b. 1949) since 1983, and has many keen collectors of the artists' works among its American and British clientele. He is a perennial favorite at Frost & Reed's annual shows in Saratoga Springs and was a great success when shown in London recently. From June 4 through July 5 the new Frost & Reed Gallery in New York will show works by both Peter Smith and Booth Malone.
Nevill says, "Peter Smith's childhood love of horses led to his aspirations to become an equestrian artist of note. He says the superb draughtsmanship and natural understanding of how to use paint, color and light of masters including Munnings and Van Gogh provided impetus to his studies at the Carlisle and Glasgow Art School. What I love about this new collection of Peter's works is his underlining ability to convey the power and beauty of the thoroughbred, the speed and excitement of horses running, and the magical light over the West coast of Scotland. There is a palpable intensity to his paintings."
For some time Peter Smith has made his home within five miles of the famed Ayr Racecourse, where the open landscape creates a perfect atmosphere in which to find his inspiration. His models are horses from two local stables; he sets his paintings on the racecourse, in the paddock, over the gallops and on the vast sandy beaches where the trainers exercise their thoroughbreds. He paints both flat racing and steeplechasing, making sketches at Aintree, Newmarket and a number of other British racecourses.
"We expect to see many avid collectors of Peter Smith's works at our New York gallery."

Frost & Reed fine art dealers is offering contemporary American equine artist BOOTH MALONE's portrait of Triple Crown contender, jockey JOSE SANTOS at an exhibition scheduled at its New York gallery at 21 East 67 Street in June and at Saratoga Springs in August.
212 717 2201
The sporting art of American Booth Malone (b. 1952) has captured the attention of collectors on several continents. Malone's highly original view and unusual approach to equine art came after a successful career as a portrait artist.
Nevill says, "Booth Malone has a remarkable talent for capturing the animation in a fleeting moment or a defining expression which is unique to that subject. His ability to capture a likeness and portray the empathy between horse and rider make him one of the foremost equestrian artists today."
Malone draws on all equestrian sports, not only racing, but also hunting, polo and three-day eventing, attending the meets to paint his subjects at first hand.
The United States Equestrian Team recently commissioned Malone to create a series of paintings depicting action specific to each of the Team's seven disciplines.
Nevill says that what sets Malone apart from other contemporary artists "Is his quickness in spotting a really strong image when it occurs. He expertly conveys the mood of the horse as well as the atmosphere."
Malone is an award-winning member of The American Academy of Equine Art.
"Our clients say Malone depicts the athleticism of a mount in an irresistible way. We are delighted to be able to show him at our new gallery in New York.
If You Go



FROST & REED fine art gallery
21 East 67 Street New York, New York 10021
212 717 2201
Penny Zygmant
Tuesdays through Saturdays 10 - 6


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