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Frost & Reed showing important contemporary sporting art as well as outstanding paintings from the 19th and early 20th centuries, at Saratoga Springs in August

Significant pictures by Harold Septimus Power, John Sargent Noble, Aiden Lassell Ripley, George Garrard, Heywood Hardy and Jean Baptiste Louis Guy join contemporary works by Heather St. Clair Davis, Peter Smith and Booth Malone.

New York, NY May 7th - For more than a quarter century FROST & REED ( has been exhibiting 19th and 20th century classical and contemporary equestrian and sporting art at the Annual Saratoga Springs event in August.

Tony Nevill, managing director of the London firm, which opened its first US gallery off Madison Avenue last October, says, "We are delighted to have such outstanding artists represented in this year's exhibition. In particular are excellent works by Harold Septimus Power, an early contemporary of legendary sporting artist, Sir Alfred Munnings, and two fine large canvases by John Sargent Noble. Perhaps the most important art on view will be two paintings by the 20th century artist American artist, Aiden Lassell Ripley, "Pheasant Country" and "Setter on Point." He painted in Massachusetts and has a large following of admirers throughout the US."

Frost & Reed will exhibit in Saratoga Springs for the 24th Aiden Lassell Ripley's "Pheasant Country."

Walter Frost made his first trip to the US in 1884 and through appearances at leading art shows and equestrian events, including those at Radnor, PA, Churchill Downs, KY and Saratoga Springs, NY. Frost & Reed developed a large coterie of American clients interested in classical as well as contemporary sporting art. The firm was established in Britain in 1808 and has done half its business with Americans for decades.
While the gallery is well established as dealers in original 19th and 20th century Impressionist and Post Impressionist paintings, it has taken pride in focusing on artists with whom it has had a long and close association, including Sir Alfred Munnings, Montague Dawson, Marcel Dyf and Heather St. Clair Davis, whose works will be shown in Saratoga for the first time since her death four years ago.

Frost & Reed fine art dealers is offering contemporary American equine artist BOOTH MALONE's portrait of Triple Crown contender, jockey JOSE SANTOS at an exhibition scheduled at its New York gallery at 21 East 67 Street in June and at Saratoga Springs in August.
212 717 2201

In fact, Frost & Reed will have a large selection of important contemporary sporting art from two British equestrian artists, Heather St. Clair Davis and Peter Smith, and a celebrated American sporting artist, Booth Malone. Among these is Malone's portrait of jockey Jose Santos, who rode the winning mount in this year's Kentucky Derby.

Frost & Reed is sole agent for Peter Smith and was the exclusive representative of the late Heather St. Clair Davis. Booth Malone is an important American talent, having recently been commissioned by The United States Equestrian Team to create a series of paintings depicting action specific to each of the Team's seven disciplines.

Other artists to be shown include George Garrard, descended from Marcus Garrard, a painter to Queen Elizabeth I, John Sargent Noble, considered to be one of the finest painters of hounds and setters in the Victorian period, Heywood Hardy, one of the most accomplished sporting painters spanning the 19th and 20th centuries, and highly regarded animal painter, Jean Baptiste Louis Guy, who portrayed the true character of the animals he painted with enormous sensitivity.

Nevill says Frost & Reed "Has always shown support for sporting artists from both the US and abroad. Americans visiting our London galleries over the four decades I've been there always ask about the artists they've come to know through our shows in the US. It is especially important to have had a hand in building the careers of contemporary artists such as Heather St. Clair Davis, who has been called a worthy successor to Munnings, and Peter Smith, with whom we've worked for two decades. Booth Malone has a highly original view and unusual approach to equine art which has captured the attention of many collectors; we're delighted to be showing his works."

If You Go
Frost and Reed Fine Art at SARATOGA SPRINGS
July 30 - August 23

(formerly The Sheraton Hotel, 534 Broadway 518 584 4000)
9am - 6pm daily
Wednesday July 30 - Saturday Noon August 23, Saratoga Springs

Information: Frost & Reed 21 East 67 Street, NY 10021
212 717 2201

Frost & Reed had a long relationship with British painter Heather St Clair Davis (1937-1999). This is the first show of her works in Saratoga Springs since her death 4 years ago.
Shown above is "Evening After the Rain" 16 X 20.


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