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Hypnotist Laura Boynton King Releases Four New CD Series

Wellington, Florida – May 19, 2003 – With multiple series of hypnosis CDs already on the market, a book deal, radio interviews, regular columns for The Miami Herald at and on, a coterie of dedicated clients, a calendar booked with personal lecture appearances, you’d think that hypnotist Laura Boynton King would take some time off. Maybe just to ride one of her horses.

But, no. Laura is so passionate about her life’s work – helping people with all kinds of problems through hypnosis – that she continues to develop and create new programs. And, obviously, the demand is there.

Laura has proven that, through hypnosis, a person can reprogram the negative attitudes and feelings buried in one’s subconscious, leading to life-changing results. During the state of total relaxation achieved while hypnotized, one’s subconscious goes into a heightened state of awareness, allowing positive suggestions to reprogram the subconscious.

Always on the cutting edge, Laura has just released four new CD series utilizing self-hypnosis: The Facing Illness Series, The Awesome Cheerleading Series, The Achieving Flawless Auditions and Performances Series, and The Working Through Grief and Regaining Happiness Series.

The Facing Illness Series is organized into six CDs covering issues involved with preparation for surgery, comfort management, maximizing treatment, positive emotional management, improving the immune system, and sleeping wonderfully. Using the relaxation and positive visualization techniques of Laura’s self-hypnosis methods, one can face surgery and recovery with confidence, and deal with pain and stress. Many in the medical profession, such as Dr. David Spiegel of Stanford University and Dr. Sebastian Schulz-Stubner of Iowa State University, are currently utilizing similar hypnosis techniques for these purposes.

With The Awesome Cheerleading Series, the five CD-set will teach the aspiring or veteran cheerleader how to relax and concentrate, how to build self-confidence and poise, and how to release performance anxiety. Laura’s success in coaching teams for the national cheerleading finals inspired her to develop this series.

For those who are apprehensive of public-speaking, Laura’s two-CD set comprising The Achieving Flawless Auditions and Performance Series will help in releasing performance anxiety and improving memory and concentration.

The Working Through Grief and Regaining Happiness Series, containing two CDs, can help anyone through the most difficult of times.

Laura is the founder of Summit Dynamics LLC, based in Lake Park, Florida. To order these CDs or to obtain a list of Laura’s other CDs, call (561) 841-7603 or email


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