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PolyPads announce sponsorship of talented young show jumper

PI Associates/PolyPads®, manufacturers of the UK’s best-known range of back and leg protection for horses, has announced its sponsorship of one of Britain’s leading junior show jumpers, Sophie Broome.

Long-time sponsor of event rider Mary King, PI Associates/PolyPads® is also keen to provide practical support for equestrian sport’s stars of tomorrow and Sophie presents the ideal opportunity.

Niece of both David Broome and Liz Edgar, 15-year-old Sophie rode successfully in the Junior European Championship Team last year and is a very likely contender again this year with her distinctive horse Spottie Dot Com

Sophie says: ‘I’m delighted to be supported by PolyPads® as their Performer© saddlepad is a favourite of Spottie’s and mine. Most saddle pads tend to slip back on Spottie but the Performer® doesn’t thanks to its lovely close-contact towelling lining.”

For further information on the PolyPads® range and details on becoming a stockist telephone: PI Associates/PolyPads® on 01284 850511 or visit the website at


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