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Online shopping for pet supplies

<>, the friendly virtual pet shop was re-launched on Monday 12th May 2003. Catering specifically for cats, dogs and rats the website has been redesigned to include new products and new features making it easier to navigate and purchase goods on-line.

Puddle Pet Care supplies an extensive range of goods, from practical items such as beds, door flaps, kennels and grooming products, to fun items such as activity centres, rat hammocks, treats and toys as well as specialist items such as dog agility equipment.

The new design enables the browser to follow links to find products for cats, dogs or rats. There is also a 'search' box where the user can type in exactly what they are looking for and go directly to that area. All types of products available are listed, and clicking on the appropriate word will take the user directly to a catalogue of products available. There is a description about how each product works, a picture of the item, the price and an order button if you want to buy it.

The site offers secure payment with WorldPay and accepts all popular credit and debit card types. A new feature of the site is that the front page shows how many items you have in your shopping basket and the total value of your order at all times.

If you want to find out more about a product the new FAQ section includes answers to the most frequently asked questions about some of the most popular products such as cat flaps and dog doors.

Owners Kathy and Steve Newman started Puddle Pet Care as a home delivery business of pet food supplies and sundries in their home town of Selsey in West Sussex. Two years ago they decided to create a website offering a greater range of goods to see if they could reach a wider audience. They certainly have. People shop in the website from all over the UK and some from abroad as far as the United States & Australia. Kathy comments: "We are making shopping for pets easier and accessible 24-hours a day. If you want specialist items you will find them here. It saves you the time of having to visit a pet supplies shop only to find the item is not in stock. And Puddle Pet Care saves you money. We try to keep our prices below the recommended price. We regularly price check our items with other retailers to ensure we are offering the best value to our customers."

Puddle Pet Care prides itself in the high level of customer service, as the testimonials on the home page will confirm. Emails get answered promptly, orders get fulfilled as quickly as possible and customers receive email receipts confirming the order and notifying of delivery. Kathy adds: "If a product is out of stock we give our customers the chance to change or cancel their order - or wait until the product is available. We don't keep people hanging around wondering where their order is. Occasionally people have a query about a product before they choose to buy and so we make every effort to get back in touch straight away. Someone is working on the site pretty much all the time."

To celebrate the re-launch of the website Puddle Pet Care is offering lots of discounts and special offers throughout May. For more information visit:



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