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Equine Degree online

Now, for the first time, it is possible to earn your Bachelor of Science in Equine Studies degree completely online, enrolling anytime, working at your own pace and with no completion deadlines.

The degree program faculty is comprised of award winning trainers, riders, authors and veterinarians with outstanding records of accomplishment.

Success Is Easy, the world’s leading provider of online equine study courses, has affiliated with Breyer State University, a virtual university accredited by the Central States Consortium of Colleges and Schools. With an accelerated format (no general education courses required), students can expect to earn their degree within 18 to 24 months.

“Anyone who has the desire for a career with horses, the dream of financial freedom and the wish to make a difference, now has the opportunity,” said Don Blazer, president of Success Is Easy.

The degree program is both convenient and affordable. There is a one-time enrollment fee of $150. Tuition fee for each of the 16 courses is $350. A student may enroll in one or more courses at a time, paying only the tuition for the courses being taken. A Breyer State Bachelor of Science degree will cost less than $7,500, including books, as compared to nearly $20,000 for an associate of arts degree from a community college.

The suggested sequence of courses is: Conformation and Selection for Performance, Behavior Modification Techniques, Training Performance Horses, Nutrition for Maximum Performance, Understanding Bits and Shoeing. When these courses are completed the student is awarded a special Professional Horse Trainer certificate.

A second special Horse Health Care certificate is awarded when Health and Disease Management, Equine Reproduction and Coat Color Genetics courses are completed.

Stable Management, The Business of Making Money With Horses, and Legal Aspects of Horse Management make up a third special certificate, Equine Business Practices.

A Sport and Competition certificate is awarded upon completion of Showmanship in Hand, Dressage: A Foundation for All Riding Disciplines, Preparation for Competition and Equine Sports Massage.

The Bachelor of Science degree diploma is awarded by Breyer State University when the student completes the final course, an Equine Studies Symposium, a comprehensive report demonstrating on video a proficiency in training and horse care.

Students work one-on-one with their instructors by e-mail, receiving a link for the next lesson each time they complete assignments and examinations. Students can also post questions or seek advice on a discussion board open only to them and their instructors.

Instructors include horsemen and horsewomen who have worked in the field, proving they can both get the job done, and teach others how to be successful. Instructor biographies, samples of lesson text and quizzes, course descriptions and outlines and an enrollment application can be found at

The Success Is Easy format allows a student to begin study within hours of enrollment and to study at anytime or place convenient to the student. Each student must work with horses during the program, but at a place and time of his or her choosing.

“Choosing a career format to earn a Bachelor of Science degree has a lot of advantages over traditional college programs,” Blazer said.

“Most of the time a college graduate has a degree, but few practical skills. They haven’t actually done what they need to do. They aren’t prepared to offer employers many benefits.

“Very different with the Breyer State degree. Every student can get assistance from his or her instructor, but must eventually solve actual problems on their own. Potential employers or potential clients will note instantly that a Breyer graduate is a self-starter, self-disciplined person with plenty of hands-on experience,” Blazer said.

In an industry without an accepted standard of excellence and with no licensing for trainers, stable managers or boarding facilities, having a Bachelor of Science degree is the credential needed for financial success.

A high school graduate, according to the U.S. Census Bureau will have average earnings of $26,795 per year. An Associate degree holder earns an average of $34,744, while a Bachelor degree holder earns $50,623 per year on average. “Getting the degree,” said Blazer, “really revs up your earning potential.”

While there are about 200 equine science degree programs in the U.S., they are scattered across the nation, require on-campus attendance and are more costly with tuitions as high as $26,000 per semester.

“Opportunities to work with outstanding faculty, at home and when convenient, are rare, Blazer points out. “Our online degree program is both affordable and flexible, allowing the opportunity for a student to earn while they learn. It is a lot easier to maintain a job when school hours don’t slice into work hours.”

Success Is Easy maintains a national job placement network for program graduates.

Students with equine course credits from other colleges may transfer credits to the Breyer State program. There is a $15 credit transfer review fee. A minimum of 10 Breyer State courses must be completed through the online program in order to be eligible for a Breyer State diploma.

E-mail Don Blazer at with specific questions, call (602) 689-6171 or write to Success Is Easy, 7119 E. Shea Blvd., Ste 109-271, Scottsdale, AZ 85254.

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