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Barzago CDI*** - Irish Rider Wins In Italy

Senior Irish international dressage rider Heike Holstein won the Grand Prix consolation class in Barzago, Italy today (2nd June 2002) with the 10 year old Hannovarian chestnut gelding Welt Adel.

Heike Holstein and Welt Adel

Holstein scored 63.44% to win the class and in the process qualified to represent Ireland at the World Equestrian Games in Jerez, Spain in September. Heike placed 6th in the Intermediare 1 Kur (Freestyle to Music) with Burgfraulien on a score of 65.51%. The class was won by Charlotte Edmonds of Great Britain riding Locarno.

Irish rider Anna Merveldt-Steffens did not travel to Barzago as her Grand Prix horse Fosbury is still not quite right following his withdrawal from the Grand Prix Special in Munich three weeks ago. Merveldt-Steffens hopes to have the Westphalian gelding back in action next week as she prepares him for Aachen CHIO at the end of the month.

Young rider Judy Reynolds from Naas, Co Kildare travels to Italy tomorrow to team up with Heike Holstein and the Irish duo will compete at the Lipicia CDI*** in Slovenia (6th - 9th June 2002) and at the Aachleiten CDI*** in Austria (12th - 16th June 2002).

International Dressage Competition
Grand Prix (Consolation)

1. WELT ADEL;Heike HOLSTEIN (IRL) - 63.44%
j2. BOSPORUS;Olga KLIMKO (UKR) - 61.80%
j2. LANCETTO;Eva SENN (SUI) - 61.80%

International Dressage Competition
Intermediare 1 Kur (Freestyle to Music)

1.LOCARNO;Charlotte EDMONDS (GBR) - 71.3%
2.DON RICO;Valentina TRUPPA (ITA) - 71.08%




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