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horse Leading Event Rider Ruth Friend Chooses Equine Products UK

Equine Products UK, currently enjoying significant increases in UK sales following the launch of its new 'Second Generation Joint Care Product' FlexiVite, has just announced a new sponsorship of leading event rider Ruth Friend that will provide nutritional support for her two advanced riders Matthew II and Classic Wizard.

An established market leader in export sales of its range of scientifically formulated and well-proven equine supplements, Equine Products UK also has a major share of the UK's racing market and is now enjoying increasing, very positive feedback from riders at all levels within the major competitive disciplines.

Ruth uses supplements from the Equine Products UK range and approached the company to find out more about the new FlexiVite, Premier E and the easily administered electrolyte formulation Restore-Lyte, the latter also very popular with endurance riders.

Business & Sales Marketing Manager for Equine Products Jackie Hutchinson (left) is pictured with Ruth Friend, Matthew II and Classic Wizard - 'holding' a bottle of FlexiVite!

She said, "I like to know exactly what I'm feeding my horses and Equine Products has a very good reputation amongst those training top class performance horses. I've used products from the range very successfully and I'm delighted with their support for both Matthew II and Classic Wizard, enabling the to benefit from advanced and effective supplements."

Business & Sales Marketing Manager for Equine Products Jackie Hutchinson announced the sponsorship saying, "Ruth was an existing customer and was keen to use FlexiVite in addition to other products from our range. She has a very professional approach to preparing and competing her horses and we are very happy to offer our support to help what we believe are well deserved competition successes."

The Equine Products UK website is at and the company's Helpline can be contacted on 0191 264 5536.


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