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Award Winning Lite-Lift Set To Be Big Hit In Equestrian World

A West Yorkshire-based business that has invented a shovel with interchangeable heads, specifically designed to minimise the strain of mucking out, has won the 2002 Big Fish Awards. Tish Fearn, who created the unique Lite-Lift, will receive £5,000 from Business Link West Yorkshire to purchase professional support to help expand the business into UK and world markets.

Lite-Lift Limited produces ergonomically designed, lightweight tools for the equine industry. The products have an aluminium shaft that can be used with different heads including a hoe, rake, brush or mop. A second handle on the shaft caters for left or right-handed and tall or short individuals and allows the weight to be evenly distributed to reduce repetitive strain injury and back, neck and arm strain.

Tish Fearn 2002 West Yorkshire Big Fish Awards winner.

Tish developed the product because she only has one hand and found existing tools difficult to use at her animal sanctuary. She worked with engineers from Sheffield Hallam University to build the prototype.

"I am delighted that Lite-Lift has won this prestigious award," enthuses Tish.

"I have worked with horses all my life and after discussions with my staff and fellow equestrian colleagues, I realised that they too were suffering from back pain and strain caused by the daily task of mucking out the stables. The Lite-Lift shovel is the perfect solution to this problem, significantly increasing the speed with which a stable can be mucked out and taking the strain out of the job. Every horse owner should have one and experience the difference a specifically designed tool can make," continues Tish.


Lite-Lift Limited
Flintmill Grange, Flintmill Lane
Thorpe Arch, Wetherby
West Yorkshire
LS23 7DS


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