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Ride The Bend!!!

Post Oak Farm & Guest Ranch has received permission to offer fully catered weekend or mid-week trail rides for up to 10 guests on 5000 acres of the Baxter Ranch bordering the Colorado River at Bend, Texas.

Our horses or yours.
Cost for two days and two nights:
Your Horses $200 per person
Our Horses: $300 per person

2002 Weekend Trail Ride Schedule
August 30th - Sept. 1st
September 26th - 28th
October 25th - 27th
No Riding in Nov. or Dec. because of deer hunting

Sign-ups for these rides will be taken on a first-come/first-served basis. Individuals, couples and groups are welcome, but riders must be 15 years of age or older. Because these rides are held on private property by special permission, all rides are fully catered. Guests with trailers equipped with sleeping quarters may elect to stay in their trailers, but the per person cost remains the same. All rides must be accompanied by a trail boss and wrangler.

Complete Rider and Horse Gear Lists as well as Release Forms are provided when you make your reservations.

A minimum of six riders are required for each ride.

Sleeping accommodations are located at the Dog House, a rustic but fully-equipped hunter's cabin overlooking a small valley. The cabin is equipped with bunk beds, bathroom, kitchen, air conditioning, microwave, stove/oven, etc. Guests bring their own bedding and towels.

Meals and snacks follow the chuck wagon tradition of "hearty, healthy and plenty of it." Guests are welcome to bring their own beer, wine or other refreshments, but drinking and smoking are strictly confined to the area immediately around the Dog House.

Riders meet in Lampasas, Texas and caravan to the site on Friday afternoon. After dropping off supplies and setting up camp at the Dog House we'll take a short ride to acclimate the horses and get into the spirit. Dinner follows and then guests are on their own for the evening. An early breakfast on Saturday gets riders ready for a full days' ride down to the river where we'll take a long relaxed break for a picnic lunch, swimming, naps, and hiking. Then it's back to the Dog House for Saturday's dinner and camp fire.

The Sunday ride is a leisurely trek up the spring fed creek to "The Steps," rock terraces which form water falls, pools and a great swimming hole for people and horses!

The terrain is rocky in many places and can be quite steep. It is strongly recommended that horses be shod for rides at the Baxter Ranch. Most riding is along ranch roads and cattle tracks. There are many water troughs along the ride and all rides spend some time at the river or along the creek.

The Sunday ride ends back at the Dog House followed by lunch and packing up to go home.

These rides can be strenuous, but even inexperienced riders can participate and have a great time. Our horses are calm, gentle and easy to handle on the trail. This can be an easy, casual weekend, but guests are also welcome to use this opportunity to improve their horsemanship skills and learn more about horse care and trail riding. Rides can be scheduled for families, corporate groups, and special occasions.

For more information, contact us at

C'Mon Lets Ride!!



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