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Sue Blinks Still Tops The List At The USET World Equestrian Games Dressage Selection Trials

Gladstone, NJ—June 2, 2002—Sue Blinks and Flim Flam, owned by Fritz Kundrun and Dressage Sponsor Corporation, are still in the top spot with a combined score of 39.466% at the halfway mark in the United States Equestrian Team (USET) World Equestrian Games (WEG) Dressage Selection Trials, which took place at the USET Headquarters and Olympic Training Center in Gladstone, NJ on Saturday and Sunday. Geunter Seidel, riding Dick and Jane Brown’s Nikolaus 7, remain close behind with a combined score of 39.202%. Debbie McDonald and Brentina, owned by Parry and Peggy Thomas, catapulted into third by winning the Grand Prix Special class with an outstanding test on Sunday scoring of 18.350% and giving them a combined score of 38.702%.

Saturday, McDonald and Brentina finished unusually low, in 5th place following the Grand Prix test, which had McDonald worried.

“Yesterday, Brentina was having trouble with the thicker air which affected her,” Said McDonald. “But she was more herself today, it all felt very smooth and responsive. I was just really happy today.”

The Trials, which is open to the public, also serve as the 2002 USET Grand Prix Championship, continues on Saturday, June 8th at 9 a.m. and the final competition, the Grand Prix Freestyle is on June 9, also at 9 a.m. Admission is $10.00 per person. The first day of competition consisted of a Grand Prix to count for 30% of riders’ overall selection trial and Grand Prix Championship scores. The Grand Prix Special accounts for 25%, the second Grand Prix on June 8, again represents 30% and the remaining 15% of riders’ scores is taken from the Freestyle.

Following the trials, up to six horse-and-rider combinations will then travel to Europe for further selection trials to determine the final team for the WEG. The final team will consist of four riders and one alternate.

For more information about the WEG Dressage Selection Trials or on the USET, please call (908) 234-1251, or visit USET ONLINE at



1. Debbie McDonald Brentina
2. Guenter Seidel Nikolaus 7
3. Susan Blinks Flim Flam
4. Christine Traurig Etienne
5. Betsy Steiner Rainier
6. Steffen Peters Grandeur
7. Geunter Seidel Foltaire
8. Shelly J. Francis Gala
9. George Williams Rocher
10. Susan J. Dutta Gumshoes-DC
11. Cherri Reiber G Tudor
12. Lynda Cameron Orion
13. Tom Noone Fresco

Grand Prix Sp. 2-day total (rank)
1835 73.400% 38.702% (3)
1807 72.280% 39.202% (2)
1789 71.560% 39.466% (1)
1701 68.040% 37.542% (4)
1695 67.800% 37.434% (5)
1692 67.680% 36.888% (6)
1659 66.360% 36.270% (7)
1620 64.800% 35.316% (9)
1581 63.240% 35.454% (8)
1554 62.160% 34.212%(11)
1524 60.960% 34.344% (10)
1505 60.200% 32.666% (13)
1496 59.840% 32.792%(12)


The United States Equestrian Team is a non-profit organization that selects, trains, equips and finances equestrians of the highest possible standard to represent our country in major international competition, including the Olympic Games and the World Championships. To accomplish this, the USET seeks out and nurtures the development of talented athletes - riders, drivers and horses - and provides the support and guidance they need to help them attain their fullest potential. For more information on the USET, please call (908) 234-1251, or visit USET ONLINE at


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