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The American Saddlebred Display Team

The unique American Saddlebred Display Team formed by horses and members of the breed's official organisation in the Britain, the ASAoGB, and can be seen this year at the following venues:

12th July Tendring Hundred Show (near Colchester)

24th/25th August Highclere Castle International Horse Trials & Festival of the Horse (both days), Newbury, Berkshire

6th September Alresford Agricultural Show, Tichborne Park, Alresford, Hants

13th September Romsey Show, Hampshire

4th/5th October South of England Autumn Show

The ASAoGB Display Team introduces the American Saddlebred show horse in three divisions - five-gaited, three-gaited and harness. The live interactive commentary reveals the culture and development of the breed, the ancient links with Britain, the riding style. Where possible a Question Time with the audience is an integral part of this fascinating display.

For further information please visit


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