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Bob Jeffreys Partnership Training for Horse & Rider

May 2003 Newsletter


Bob’s Corner

Even though it’s almost June, our weather still leaves a lot to be desired, but both Suzanne and I have begun our riding lesson programs and restarted horse training at the ranch which is keeping us busy during the week. We’ve also been busy most weekends doing clinics or demonstrations and I’m really looking forward to this year’s Level 1 of our 2003 Trainer Education Program, which is sold out!



A good time was had by all at the Celebrate the Horse! Show/Fundraiser on May 9th . Featuring Susan Harris’ Visible Horse Demo, and Bob’s Partnership Show with Bob, Suzanne, and her horse CJ. This special event was attended by over 200 horse lovers who ate, shopped, laughed and were thoroughly entertained. Funds were raised for Winslow Therapeutic Riding (how many plastic ducks did you sell, Pat?), Mid-Hudson Horse Trails (keep up the good trail preservation work, Deb and Patty!), and Running Fox Pony Club and Horse Hands 4-H Club (yummy food, guys!). We’d like to thank Susan Harris, Susan Barry and her horse Flashdancer (who was definitely the best “visible horse” ever!), as well as Janis, Rodger and Joanne of Red Gate Farm.


Who says you can’t have a free lunch?

On Saturday, May 31 (rain date – June 1) help celebrate the grand opening of Heritage Feed on Rt. 17K in Bullville! Owners, Dominick Zigrossi and his wife, Michelle, are providing a free barbeque, big savings on products and feed. There will be feed manufacturers representative there to answer questions, along with numerous door prizes! Bob will entertain the crowd at 11 & 1 pm with some help from Suzanne and her horse, Lukka. See you there – bring your appetite and horse questions!


Summer fun!!! The sunsets are prettier here!

Looking for a horsey get-away this summer?

We have a few spots left for our Horsemanship Breakthrough Week, July 18 – August 1. If you want to spend real quality time with your horse, riding, learning, and having fun, all in a beautiful rural setting, join us at Jeffcrest Ranch!

Basic and advanced horsemanship, horse psychology, Centered Riding lessons, ground manners, trail class obstacles, drill team, games and an afternoon trail ride! You don’t have to travel far to have an adventure with your horse! Local accommodations, B&B’s, and campsites nearby!

Want to ride, but you only get a few days off? Then our Extended Foundation Clinic, Sat-Tues July 19-22 is your best choice for a lot of fun and learning in just a few days. Sign up now- spots are limited!


***Ready to bump it up a notch? ***

Has it been awhile since your last clinic with us? Review the finer points of our previous Foundation Clinic at our new Foundation Clinic Level 2, July 25-27. Beyond giving to the bit- lateral work, balanced stops and backing, Centered Riding and more! Only $245- check the website for info!

June 14th - Youth Day and Animal Appreciation Day - Goshen Historic Track, Goshen, NY

Bob Jeffreys Partnership Training Demo Contact Linda Myers @ 845-294-5333 for more information

“We don’t break horses, we teach horses and riders to make breakthroughs!”


Trail Ride Preparation

By Bob Jeffreys

Trail riding is the reason many of us started with horses in the first place. It’s still my favorite horse activity. There’s no pressure to perform, no judges and no clock; just your trustworthy mount, you and Mother Nature. Although Mother Nature can play tricks on us at times, we can minimize the effects with good trail ride preparation.

For the purpose of this article, we’ll assume that your horse feels safe and comfortable with you as his leader and has had sufficient trail training.

The first thing you can do is to let someone know about how long you’ll be gone and, if possible, what route you’ll be following. If you have a map, bring it with you. If not, and you’re riding in an unfamiliar area, stop and turn around every once in a while to take note of what the scenery should look like when you’re returning home. If you’re going to ride for a long distance or in rough terrain, an endurance saddle or a properly fitted Western saddle would be preferred to an English or dressage saddle. They distribute the weight over a larger area making it more comfortable for your horse. Dry spots on your horse in the saddle area after you ride indicate that your saddle is causing undue pressure on those particular areas. This prohibits the sweat glands from operating and is probably causing your horse pain. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean you need a different saddle. You may have to “pad” appropriately. Basically you want to be able to insert your hand between the saddle and the horse’s shoulders or loins without feeling pressure. You should not be able to do this where the saddle is resting on his back. It’s a matter of preference whether a breast collar or rear cinch is used. If you’re going to use saddle bags, I find most horses prefer pommel bags which don’t irritate the horse as much as bags tied behind the cantle. In either case, tie the loose end to your saddle to prevent it from flopping against your horse. Tie a slicker or raincoat to your saddle in case it rains. Wear, or bring along a hat for the same reason. If you are 18 years old or younger, the laws in many states require that you wear a riding helmet.

Always take along a halter and lead rope. I prefer a rope halter and a 10-12 foot lead rope which can be rolled up in almost a hangman’s knot and hooked over the saddle horn. This will allow you to remove the bridle and bit if you chose to stop and rest. Should you tie your horse to a tree, make your knot at wither height or above and allow only about two feet of rope length between knot and buckle. This will prevent him from getting tangled. Your lead rope/halter can also double as a bridle and reins should you break a rein or a bridle piece. We all know those Chicago screws can come loose at the most inappropriate times. (You can fix this by applying nail polish into the hole before inserting the screw).

If you ride with friends, have a prearranged meeting place should something unforeseen occur forcing you to scatter in different directions (bee or wasp attacks, for instance). Anyone that is allergic to insect bites or stings should carry the appropriate medication.

If you horse throws a shoe and you’re not carrying an Easy Boot, you can wrap the hoof with Vet Wrap and then cover it with duct tape to make an emergency shoe. Take along your cell phone, but, realize that it may not work if you’re riding in a remote area.

Occasionally, your horse will get a rock stuck between his horseshoe that will not come loose no matter how long or hard we pick or pull on it. When confronted with this situation, try using another rock and slam it against the side of his shoe. You can usually dislodge the intruder with one or two hearty strokes.

Carry a first aid kit containing the above mentioned Vet Wrap and duct tape along with bandages, rolled cotton and a blood coagulant ( such as Wonder Dust). This should be considered a minimum supply requirement and can be used on horse or human. Lastly, you should always carry a sharp knife. Knowing you’re well prepared should allow you to relax and enjoy your trail ride.

Nutrena –
Concerns About Feeding Horses
Probiotics Now Added to Vitality and Life Design Horse Feeds

Q: What are Probiotics?

A: Naturally occurring, beneficial bacteria, which aid in the digestion process to enhance the digestibility of feed and create a healthier gastro-intestinal tract.

Q: If probiotics are naturally occurring why are they needed?

A: There are several instances when probiotics added to feed can be helpful to restore the natural floral balance of your horse’s digestive system.

¨ If your horse is ill and is on antibiotics, the antibiotics can kill the naturally occurring bacteria in the gut.

¨ Stress can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria. Many situations can cause stress such as showing, injuries, illness, stall rest, incompatible companionship or lack of companionship.

¨ Change in a feeding program can cause the balance of gut bacteria to be disrupted. Most horse owners know that one should change grain slowly to minimize complications. Many however, do not change hay slowly which in many cases can be more of a drastic change than switching grain.

Q: What can happen if there is an imbalance of gut bacteria?

A: Several things can happen when there is a low population of beneficial bacteria in the hind gut such as colic laminitis or even founder.

The probiotics used in all Nutrena horse feeds are produced using new technology, which protects the integrity of the bacteria through the heat of the pelleting process.

For more information on the addition of probiotics to Nutrena horse feeds please contact your local Nutrena consultant or visit

Shana Weiler-Bloomfield @ (845) 756-3143

2003 Calendar

May 23-25 - Foundation Clinic – Level 1 - Red Gate Farm, Bloomingburg, NY
May 31 – Bob Jeffreys Partnership Training Demonstration- 11-2pm Heritage Feed & Supply – Bloomingburg, NY
June 14 – Bob Jeffreys Partnership Training Demonstration Annual Youth Day & Animal Appreciation Day @ Goshen Historic Track Contact Goshen Historic Track – Linda Myers @ 845-294-5333
June 20-22 – Foundation Clinic Level 1 – Monterey, MA
June 27-29 – Foundation Clinic Level 1 – Lawrenceville, GA
July 12 – Round Pen Show @ 7 pm – Guilford, VT
July 12 & 13 – Complete Ground Manners Clinic – Guilford, VT
July 7-11 & 14-18 - Trainer Education Program Level 1 - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
July 19-22 –Extended Foundation Clinic - Red Gate Farm – Bloomingburg, NY
July 25, 26 & 27 -Foundation Clinic – Level 2 - Red Gate Farm, Bloomingburg, NY
July 28 – Aug. 1 - Horsemanship Breakthrough Week - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
August 8 -10 - Foundation Clinic Level 1 – Islandia, NY
August 18-22 & 25-29-Trainer Education Program –Level 2 - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
August 23 & 24 – Complete Ground Manners Clinic – Bloomingburg, NY
September 22-26-Horsemanship Breakthrough Week - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
September 26-28-Exclusively Icelandic Foundation Clinic – Level 1 – Bloomingburg, NY
October 3 – 5 - Foundation Clinic - Level 1 – Brandon, VT
October 18 & 19-Advanced Clinic - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
October 13-17 & 20-24-Trainer Education Program - Level 3 - Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
October 31-November 2 – International Centered Riding® Symposium, Brattleboro, VT
November 10-14-Round Pen Week -Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY
November 14-16-Exclusively Icelandic Foundation Level 2 Clinic – Bloomingburg, NY


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