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Ireland Wins German Nations Cup

IN SPECTACULAR FASHION, Ireland decisively won the Aachen Nations Cup in Germany today (Friday).

With Germany desperate to improve upon their Super League position on the home turf of Aachen after a disappointing result on June 1 in St. Gallen, Switzerland, and France determined to hold onto their top ranking, Ireland came up against fierce competition today in the fourth leg of the series.

After the second riders had completed the second round, only one point separated the top three teams - Ireland, Germany and France, but by the time Billy Twomey had completed his round on <Luidam>, Ireland's lead had widened to five points clear of Germany, with France seven points behind the leading nation. Germany and France's campaign had collapsed by the end of the competition, however, with Belgium leaping to Second place and wild card team USA drawing level with Germany.

France is still at No. 1, with 31 points, while Ireland is at No. 2, with 30.5 points having won two of the four 2003 Super League competitions, at St. Gallen and now Aachen

The remaining Super League competitions will be fought at Hickstead, England (July 23-27); Dublin (August 6-10); Rotterdam, Netherlands, (August 28-31), and finally Barcelona, Spain (September 18-21). Double Super League points will be awarded at Barcelona, so the final outcome of the 2003 Super league may not be decided until the very last horse and rider have jumped.

SAMSUNG SUPER LEAGUE Nations Cup Competition
Friday, June 20, 2003

1) IRELAND 11 Faults
Robert Splaine; Coolcorron Cool Diamond 8/0
Peter Charles; Pershing 1/4
Billy Twomey; Luidam 4/0
Kevin Babington; Carling King 1/5

2) BELGIUM 13 Faults
=3) USA 16 Faults
=3) GERMANY 16 Faults
5) FRANCE 18 Faults
6) NETHERLANDS 33 faults
7) ITALY 37 Faults
8) Gt. BRITAIN 48 Faults


1) France - 31 points
2) Ireland - 30.5 points
3) Germany - 18.5 points
4) Great Britain- 16 points
5) Belgium - 13 points
6) Sweden - 7.5 points
7) Italy - 7 points
8) Holland - 6.5 points


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