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The Great NZ Farm Show "A Slice Of Heritage"
July 5th to July 19th 2003

TI PAPA Equestrian and Special Events Center 21 Brookby Road, Alfriston, Manukau City .

A rare opportunity to see re-enacted all indoors, a slice of an era long past, reminiscent of the evocative sights,sounds and smells of a time when horses were an essential part of our young nation. A time when the horse was king. A time when men, women, horses, bullocks and dogs worked tirelessly in changing the land. Horses and their role in New Zealand Society from beginning to our movie screens today.

A look at the startings of the deer industry in New Zealand. Lots of animals to see and touch and much much more for all the family. All indoors at the beautiful Ti Papa Special Events Center.


The former DB Clydesdale team, A magnificent pure white Shire, A team of percheron, Suffolk Punches, A team of huge bullocks pulling a mighty big log, blade sheep shearing, dogs working sheep, a cow being milked and butter making the old way.

A team of Clydesdales powering a chaff cutter and sawing firewood . An old-time threshing mill demonstration.

A traction engine, Hot shoeing a horse , Cobb & Co Stage coaches .

A dedication to those who lost their lives in the live deer recovery operations that began the Deer farming industry in NZ . We will have on display record stag head trophies and much more.

Additionally we will have special appearance of horses and wagons from the Lord of the Rings, Xena and Hercules.

Wagon Rides and fast food will be available.

This is a must see show educational and entertaining !

Fri, Sat & Sun shows daily at 10.30am 2.00pm and 7.00 pm.

Mon to Thurs shows daily at 10.30am and 2.00pm

Don't Miss out .....Book NOW at Ticketek

Adults $ 20.00 Children $ 12.00

Children under 2 free

Family Concession $ 55.00 (2 Adults, 2 Children)

For More info email: us online at



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