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horse Supreme Champions at HOYS 2003

Grandstand Media Ltd., organisers of Horse of the Year Show sponsored by Equestrian Surfaces (The NEC Arena, Birmingham, Wednesday 17th to Sunday 21st September), announced today that Sunday's Gala Night performance is for the first time to host separate Supreme Horse and Supreme Pony Championship titles.

The Champions from each of the Horse of the Year Show (HOYS) showing classes will be presented in the International Arena on Sunday 21st September during the evening performance. Those who qualify for the Supreme Pony of the Year Championship will be competing for the coveted Timberwolf Trophy that was won last year by Vanessa Compton and Castle Comet.

The Supreme Horse of the Year Championship is sponsored for the first time by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the market leaders in audit, tax, corporate finance and business advisory services. "PricewaterhouseCoopers are proud to be sponsors of the Supreme Horse of the Year Championship at Horse of the Year Show 2003. We are always seeking diversity in the sporting activities in which we become involved and the growing profile of HOYS meets this requirement. As the largest professional and advisory services business in the Midlands there is also considerable regional interest now that the show is being staged at the prestigious NEC facility. " Commented David Waller Senior Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Horse of the Year Show is returning to the NEC Arena for the second year after attracting record crowds and with sell out performances throughout the week in 2002. The new Supreme titles will enhance the magic of the Gala Night performance attended by celebrities from the sports and entertainment world. The evening will include three stunning equestrian displays, the Osborne Refrigerators Celebrity Hurry Scurry featuring leading National Hunt Jockeys, the final of the Prince Philip Cup and the climax to the week's show jumping, The Horse of the Year Show Grand Prix.

In another change to the supreme championships at HOYS, Thursday's Cuddy Supreme In-Hand Championship has a new format for 2003. The Championship will be judged under two height sections - a section for Ponies 14.2hh and under and a section for Horses exceeding 14.2hh. Formally known as the Cuddy Breeders Challenge, the Championship has long been established as the most sought after in-hand showing championship in Britain. It has qualifiers at prestigious county shows across the country and culminates at HOYS 2003 on the Evening Performance of Thursday 18th September.

Tickets are on sale from the Box Office on: 08700 10 10 52 or book online at Groups of 12 or more can benefit from discounts on all performances by calling the Groups Box Office on: 020 8900 9282.


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