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horse Major Estate Focus At Royal Show 2003

Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire: Machinery and advice which can help owners of country houses and small estates manage their land and business will be available in a major new "Estate Maintenance Area", being staged at this year's Royal Show.

The 2003 Royal Show is being held at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire from Sunday 29th June to Wednesday 2nd July.

Bringing together a diverse range of products, this new presentation will make it easy for interested parties to access fresh information on the best way to maintain their properties, enabling them to compare the machinery options for a wide range of maintenance tasks and thus help to decide which of them is best suited to their individual purposes.

Jimmy Birchmore, the Royal Show executive co-ordinating the new exhibit, believes it will attract interest from a wide range of visitors, as it fills a unique niche in the market:

"This is the largest gathering of manufacturers of this kind of equipment outside the specialist trade events serving this sector. As a result, it is the first chance many private individuals might have had of seeing such a complete range of equipment in one place.

"The one tool which has advanced management of these type and scale of estates is the compact tractor, and we will have a complete range on show, including Kubota, Kilworth, New Holland, McCormick, Jinma, Tafe, Erreppi, Smallholder and BSG Supplies."

"Equally impressive will be the range of equipment which can be used behind these machines. For a large country house there are all manner of trailers, mowers and groundcare equipment. "A typical livery stable might use all that equipment and other pieces such as yard scrapers. Someone running a farm park or who has a large area of grassland to keep in shape might also look at the range of chain harrows, pasture toppers and even sprayers which -can cover a good acreage easily and

"Many estates support a proportion of woodland, and will find the full range of woodland management equipment - including brush cutters, chippers and chainsaws - of use. If they are particularly interested in this aspect, they can discover more in the adjoining Farm Woodland and Forestry area".

Buy in advance and save £s! Advance: Adults £10, senior citizens £6.50, children £6.50 (9-15), under 9s free. New for this year: The Royal Show family ticket - 2 adults plus 2 children - £31.00. On the gate: Adults £14, senior citizens £9, children £9 (9-15), under 9s free. Family ticket - £44.00. Dogs are not permitted except for registered assistance dogs. Buy on-line until June 24 at or call 0870 3666 544.


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