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MBE For Founder Of Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre

THE founder of the original organisation that pioneered the welfare of retired racehorses said she felt deeply privileged to have been awarded an MBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours today (SATURDAY 14 JUNE).

Formby-born Carrie Humble is the Director of the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre in Lancashire - the first charity in Europe dedicated to the welfare, rehabilitation and re-homing of thoroughbred former racehorses.

The 52-year-old received an MBE for her contribution to the welfare of retired racehorses.

Carrie & Hallo Dandy

The Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre, which stages its annual open day on Sunday 22 June, was founded by her 12 years ago.

Carrie Humble said: "I am deeply privileged to receive this honour and thank all the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre's many supporters and those who believe in our work for the welfare of former racehorses. I couldn't have done this alone for I am only as good as my team. The award of this MBE is a fantastic achievement for all of us. I am most grateful."

She conceived of the idea of the centre in 1991 while preparing thoroughbred stock for a friend's father in the UK after returning from 17 years in the United States.

Since achieving charitable status in 1993 the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre has become widely recognised and respected as the leading organisation in the field of racehorse rehabilitation and Carrie is regarded as the pioneer of the movement.

Over the ten years that the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre has been operating, attitudes within racing have changed significantly. What the Centre experienced initially as a reluctance to face the issues of the ex-racehorse's problems have, through years of hard work, started to be an acknowledged issue which the governing bodies of racing are now addressing.

The Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre is currently based at leased premises in Nateby, north of Preston, Lancashire. In order to secure the long-term future of this pioneering welfare organisation the Centre's trustees and staff are committed to raising the funds to purchase its own premises by the end of 2005.

The stars of next Sunday's open day are two of the best-known retired steeplechasers:

*Desert Orchid touched the hearts of a nation in the 1980s and early 1990s as he became a legend in his own racing career, winning the Cheltenham Gold Cup, the Irish Grand National and, on no fewer than four occasions, the Boxing Day King George VI Steeplechase.

*Hallo Dandy, a permanent resident at the Centre, won the Grand National in 1984. He is now 29 years old.

Visitors on Sunday 22 June will be able to talk to the Centre's founder Carrie Humble and chief trainer Julie Robinson about their work, while keen racing fan and former Coronation Street actor Charlie Lawson (Jim McDonald) will sign autographs and speak to fans of the soap.

"Greyhounds UK" - a campaign founded by actress Annette Crosbie - will also be at the Centre with their dogs to show the work that is done for rescued greyhounds.

*Gates open at 12 noon on Sunday 22 June at the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre, Poplar Grove Farm, Humblescough Lane, Nateby, near Preston,
Lancashire. Admission is £5 for adults and £3 for concessions, including children under 16 and the unwaged. Further details can be obtained by calling 01995 605007.

**Directions to the Centre: (from the north) leave the M6 at junction 33, take the A6 south for five miles, then follow the yellow signs; (from the south) leave the M6 at junction 32 and M55 at junction 1, take the A6 north for seven miles, then follow the yellow signs.



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