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Rescued Mare has new Foal in Time for Open Day

horse A new attraction has arrived in the nick of time at the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) Glenda Spooner Farm, at Hoarwithy, Herefordshire.

Comments Janet Dale, Centre Manager, "We are delighted that Delilah, one of our rescued heavy horses who came to us already in foal, produced a beautiful filly early on Sunday morning. She is already very inquisitive and cheeky and we have named her Willow.

"It's our annual Open Day this Sunday and we have lots of attractions to tempt people along including a demonstration of Parelli Natural Horsemanship as well as Delilah and her new foal, a homeopathic horse first aid talk and the Native Pony Musical Ride as well as lots, lots more."

Entry is free and the doors will be open at 11 am with Vivien McIrvine MBE, ILPH Vice President, giving a welcoming speech at noon.

For further details call 01432 840253.



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