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USET Names Ashe, Wylde, Howard and Simpson to World Equestrian Games Show Jumping Team

Gladstone, NJ—July 30, 2002—The United States Equestrian Team (USET) has announced its team of four horse-and-rider combinations for the 2002 Show Jumping World Championships to be held as part of the World Equestrian Games in Jerez, Spain in September.

Named to the team are: Molly Ashe of Wellington, FL on Kroon Gravin, owned by Sandra O’Donnell; Peter Wylde of Dover Plains, NY on Fein Cera, owned by The Fein Cera Group; Leslie Howard of Westport, CT on Priobert de Kalvarie, owned by Higher Ground Farms, Inc.; and Nicole Shahinian-Simpson of Westlake Village, CA on El Campeon’s Cirka Z, owned by El Campeon Farms.

The team was named following a series of six selection trials in Del Mar and San Juan Capistrano, CA. The four named to the squad finished with the four best scores through the six trials. The USET Show Jumping selectors had the option of substituting one horse-and-rider combination for either the third or fourth ranked entry, but determined that the horse/rider combinations ranked objectively based on selection trial performances produced a team that was strong and capable of a medal winning performance.

Complete results of all trials with final standings are available on the U.S. Equestrian Team website at

The United States Equestrian Team is a non-profit organization that selects, trains, equips and finances equestrians of the highest possible standard to represent our country in major international competition, including the Olympic Games and the World Championships. To accomplish this, the USET seeks out and nurtures the development of talented athletes - riders, drivers and horses - and provides the support and guidance they need to help them attain their fullest potential. For more information on the USET, please call (908) 234-1251, or visit USET ONLINE at


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