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Kenneth Berkley Wins the $35,000 Battenkill Grand Prix, Sponsored by the Stratton Mountain Inn, At Vermont Summer Festival Horse Show

East Dorset, VT—July 14, 2002—Last turned out to be best for Kenneth Berkley of Flemington, NJ, who won the $35,000 Battenkill Grand Prix, sponsored by the Stratton Mountain Inn, on Sunday, during the Vermont Summer Festival Horse Show at Harold Beebe Farm, in East Dorset, VT.

Berkley and Laredo, owned by October Farm and Rivers Edge, turned in the only faultless performance in the United States Equestrian Team (USET) - recognized event.

Only two went clean in the filed of 21 horses, Berkley and Meredith Taylor, 25, of Pembroke, MA, riding Equifit Pizarro, owned by ABC Limited, who was 19th in the order.

Berkley liked the fact that he was the last to go.

“I had an excellent spot,” said Berkley. “At that point, I knew I just had to go clean to make the jump-off. My horse is very experienced, this course was not a big stretch for him.”

Taylor actually rode with Berkley at one time, so it was student against teacher in the jump-off.

“I rode with Ken for eight years,” said Taylor. “It was a very interesting position to be in. I was a little nervous because I knew that he was very competitive.”

Taylor was right. She and Equifit Pizarro incurred four faults in the jump-off leaving the door wide open for Berkley and Laredo.

“I watched Meredith go,” said Berkley. “When I saw that she had the raid down, I just planned on a conservative ride to go clean.”

This marks the first major Grand prix victory for the 39-year-old and the first-ever win at the Vermont Summer Festival Horse Show.

The Vermont Summer Festival, which is New England’s largest “AA” rated hunter-jumper horse show circuit, continues with the Manchester Classic, July 17-21, The Valley Classic, July 24-28, and the Manchester and the Mountains Horse Show, July 31-August 4. The action culminates with the Vermont Summer Celebration, August 7-11.

For further information, please visit the Vermont Summer Festival website at or call 802-496-4878.


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