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Advanced Air Hitch signs agreement with Continuous Solutions, Inc. to establish a national distribution program.

Craig Kaplenski, President of Advanced Air Hitch, announced the signing of an agreement to expand the marketing of Advanced Air Hitch products to a national network of distributors and dealers. “After successfully completing the design and development of our new generation of hitch technology, it is now time to roll our products out in a national marketing effort,” said Kaplenski. “The success of our products and their acceptance in the market place has been outstanding. To accelerate our growth of market share and to introduce our products to the widest possible audience, it is time for a national marketing program.”

“Our agreement with Continuous Solutions, Inc. will build a national network of distributors and dealers in 2003 and 2004. By 2004 we will be expanding rapidly into international markets,” he continued. “I would like to thank all of you who have been supportive of our efforts to develop this revolutionary air hitch technology. I especially want to thank all of you who have purchased Advanced Air Hitch products and who have helped us prove that AAH hitches are simply the finest technology available. AAH will continue to stay in contact with AAH hitch users and other interested parties through periodic email updates. If you would like to contact me please call 803-302-0063 or email me at, as you are aware my web site is”

The following message is from Continuous Solutions:

As Craig stated, AAH is expanding its sales and marketing efforts nationwide and has contracted Continuous Solutions, Inc. (CSI) to establish a network of dealers to sell its products to the retail market. You may be interested in being part of that network by getting in on the ground floor as a dealer or a distributor. Please review the information in this email and then check out our web page for information on the wholesalers and regional representative programs.

If you have previously purchased an Advanced Air Hitch product, for a limited time you can become a limited wholesaler and earn commission on sales you promote-but you must sign up to be eligible. If you are interested in this program, send an email to, put “Wholesaler Opportunity” in the subject line and include your name, address, and phone information in the email. We will send you the information to sign-up for the program and assign you your Wholesaler Number. It’s that simple!!

After several years of development and sales to satisfied customers around the nation including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the new AAH line of patented air hitches is rapidly demonstrating the old technology is simply obsolete. The new AAH line of hitches includes a complete selection of receiver, gooseneck, and fifth wheel hitches. AAH products are proprietary (patent pending) advanced technology towing systems for use on all types of trailer towing configurations, from light duty up to medium duty class 6 hitches handling up to 32,000-pound trailers.

Our marketing concept is that these patented hitches are not for everyone – they are for the savvy individuals who really know towing and see the value in high quality, high-end technology that has built in safety, stability and comfort advantages. It has been our experience that an unusually high percentage of customers who take the time to experience a demonstration of these hitches become owners.

For more information on these amazing products, please visit our website and explore the information presented at


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