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Champion show jumper takes ABRS teaching qualification

Champion show jumper of the 1970’s and 80’s Lionel Dunning has joined the elite teaching ranks of the Association of British Riding Schools (ABRS) by achieving his ABRS Teaching Certificate.

A well-known face on the international show jumping circuit in the 1970’s and 80’s when show jumping was a favoured television sport, Lionel won the prestigious leading rider of the year gold medal at Hickstead in 1979 and holds 10 titles in the Guinness Book of Records for show jumping achievements. He helped train world champion show jumper Dermott Lennon, Olympic medallist Tim Grubb, 14 riders who have gone on to compete on the British Team, four European Young Rider champions, one Junior European Champion and four event riders who have competed in the European championships. In 1999 he trained Addy Lebowth to win the Palestinian Derby.

Lionel now specialises in teaching riding in the Middle East. He says: “There is a growing demand for those of us with a professional sporting track record to also have a formal teaching qualification and I found the ABRS Teaching Certificate was the best suited to my particular needs. I strongly recommend it to anyone in a similar situation.”

The ABRS runs Britain’s longest-established Riding School Approval Scheme and is the only organisation solely representing professional riding school proprietors. The highly regarded ABRS examinations system particularly welcomes established riders and trainers.

For further information on the ABRS please write to ABRS Queen’s Chambers, Queen Street, Penzance, Cornwall TR18 4BH, preferably enclosing an SAE for a swift response or email;


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