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horse New number for The British Horse Society Gold members' Legal Helpline

The British Horse Society announced today that its free legal helpline number, available for all Gold, Founder and Life members, has a new number with immediate effect. The new number to call is: 0870 900 2172.

Gold, Founder and Life members of the BHS are entitled to unlimited free legal advice from the BHS Legal Helpline. The Helpline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is there to help members on any legal matter - not just horse related problems. Members simply have to call the number and quote their Gold, Founder or Life membership number to receive the benefit.

The Legal Helpline is just one of many benefits of Gold, Founder or Life membership of the BHS. Other popular benefits include the free basic personal accident and personal liability insurance cover, the latter with up to £10million cover on any one claim, and the free tax and VAT helplines - and Gold membership is just £42.00 a year, held at the same price as last year.

For further information on joining the BHS to take advantage of these benefits please contact the Membership department (tel: 08701 201900) or visit the BHS website: and click on 'Join the BHS'.


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