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horse British Horse Society announces exciting new sponsorship for TREC Championships

The British Horse Society (BHS) is delighted to announce a new sponsorship deal with Scotshield for its TREC British Championships to be held on 2 and 3 August. To be called 'The Scotshield TREC Championships of Great Britain 2003', the competition will be held in the beautiful grounds of Blair Estate near Kilmarnock in North Ayrshire.

Scotshield specialises in Fire and Security Systems and, with bases in four major cities in Scotland, operates across the UK. Scotshield has recently won the contract providing around 60 CCTV cameras in Edinburgh City. Director John Hunter said, "Scotshield are delighted to be the official sponsors of this prestigious event. The competition being held in North Ayrshire is especially symbolic to us. We are working on many projects in North Ayrshire; designing, supplying, maintaining and
commissioning CCTV, Fire Detection, Access Control, Intruder Detection and Integrated Systems. Scotshield would like to wish all competitors the best of luck."

BHS Head of Competitions, Rob Jones, added, "We are very pleased to welcome Scotshield as new sponsors to BHS TREC, and particularly the GB Championships being held in Scotland this year. TREC has really taken off as a new sport in Britain and the Championships are always very well supported. The popularity of TREC is growing daily and this year we have a record number of competitions and training days taking place across the country."


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