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Cleve Wells Coming To 2004 Can-Am Equine Extravaganza

Woodstock, Ontario, July 2, 2003... Cleve Wells, one of the world's most foremost quarter horse experts, is coming to Ontario in 2004. Wells, who has trained and produced an incredible 17 American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) World Champions and Reserve World Champions, will showcase his remarkable talent at the Can-Am Equine Extravaganza to be held at the Western Fairgrounds in London on March 18-21, 2004.

A resident of Burleson, Texas, Wells, is one of the equine industry's most coveted speakers and clinicians regarding the training of different disciplines of horses.

"I spend about 30 weeks a year on the road doing clinics and seminars," said Wells, 43. "I love what I do, and love to pass on my knowledge to people to help them improve their relationships with their horses."

Wells said nowadays it isn't so much training as it is coaching when it comes to conditioning the animal.

"Like any athlete, the breed of horse is getting better all the time," noted Wells. "We aren't teaching the horse to jump, we're teaching him to jump higher. We're not trying to play Houdini. If the athlete doesn't have it, you go and get another athlete. I try to get the general public to understand that. If you're a small-time breeder with one horse, it's the same percentage as someone who wants their child to play pro football. I try to teach that not every athlete (horse) is going to make it to the pros.
However, you can still learn to play the game."

Wells said those in attendance at the Can-Am Equine event that are interested in improving their relationships with their horses need to pay attention from start to finish at his clinic.

"I teach progressive. You need to be there from A to Z," noted Wells. "You can't skip part of the puzzle. You're not going to tame a horse in four days. What I'm interested in doing is to teach people about their horses because teaching horses is forever. Maybe, I'll give them a year's worth of education."

Wells stressed he concentrates on three main areas when coaching horses. "How you communicate with a horse is through your hands, legs and eyes," added Wells. "If I can enhance that to people to broaden their vocabulary when communicating, then they'll go away with a better understanding and improve their communication with their horses. At the start, you and your horse may only have 10 words/signals that it truly understands but, as time passes, we'll constantly build upon each of your vocabulary to build a team."

Said Wells on his website: "Remember, you cannot teach what you don't know!"

Since showing his first pleasure horse in 1983, the native of Cleveland, Texas has compiled a long list of accomplishments. He has trained the only two horses - Zippos Amblin Easy and Zippos Silent Night - in AQHA history to win all three World titles with three different riders (open, amateur and youth).
Cleve Wells is one of a number of keynote speakers who will be appearing at the 2004 Can-Am Equine Extravaganza.

An up-to-date list of speakers and entertainers will be posted as they become official on our website at


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