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Cleveland Bay Demonstration at The Royal Show

TWO of the countries top Cleveland Bay stallions represented the Cleveland Bay Horse Society in a demonstration at the Royal Show.

The stallions were part of the Rare Breed Survival Trust demonstration which was aimed at increasing public awareness of Britain's heritage and the huge range of horses and ponies this country possesses.

The stallions were Whitehouse Sheriff bred by Mary and John Douthwaite, owned by Paul Heathcote and ridden by Michaela Brunning.

And Timberlane Huckleberry, bred by Sue Jeffries, owned by Linda and Peter Dallow and ridden by Donn Collins.

Whitehouse Sheriff and Timberland Huckleberry

Charles Medforth President of the CBHS said: "We were delighted to show the Cleveland Bay off to a wider audience, and the demonstration at The Royal Show provided us with that opportunity."

The Rare Breed Survival Trust helps to ensure the survival of rare breeds such as the Cleveland Bay that are listed as 'critical' by the Trust.

Both stallions have been National Stallion Association (NASTA) Performance tested.

This is an enduring test which involves dressage, loose jumps, show jumping, eventing and ridden phases. This versatility was evident in the demonstration.



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