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Martin & Mike Make Music At Hickstead

Mike Rutherford, of Genesis fame, and other equestrian personalities joined Martin Collins to mark the launch of ECOTRACK, his latest generation synthetic riding surface at Hickstead prior to the European Dressage Championships. Mike, a keen Dressage follower (his wife Angie, competes at advanced level) is further supporting the championships, having written the official music for the event. Martin commented "We are delighted that Mike was able to join us today for the launch of ECOTRACK. He and Angie have been clients for some years so it's particularly fitting that we are both involved in the European Championships. We know that with our surfaces the horses have every chance to perform at their peak, and we wish the British team all the very best in their quest to qualify for the 2004 Athens Olympics."

Glynnie Walford (Assistant to Martin Collins), Dane Rawlins, Martin Collins, Mike Rutherford, Kirsty Meopham (Sydney 2000 Olympic British Dressage Team) & Gill Davies (Sales at Martin Collins).

ECOTRACK will be officially unveiled at the European Dressage Championships (13-17th August 2003), which are being held in England for the first time in 16 years. The surface will be put through its paces, by the dressage elite throughout the five days, alongside other Martin Collins surfaces - Geltrack and Protrack. Show director Dane Rawlins, who was also present at the launch, said "Having known Martin for many years, I can honestly say that his expertise in synthetic surface manufacture is unparalleled. I had the choice of several organisations to provide the synthetic surfaces for the championships and I am happy to say that I know I have the very best with Martin's products."

The surface sponsorship at the European Dressage Championships arose from the longstanding friendship between Dane Rawlins (Event Director at Dressage at Hickstead) and Martin Collins (of Martin Collins Enterprises). The sponsorship agreement is for supply of all the riding surfaces at Hickstead for 10 years, this being the second year. The Championships, are set to continue the success of Dressage at Hickstead, and with Martin providing the surfaces, and Mike the official theme music, it is difficult to see how it could fail!

Dane and Martin originally bet each other that if Dane could secure the Europeans then Martin would provide the surfaces. Clearly Dane was successful and this also means that Dane is no longer obliged to honor the bet, by providing Martin with a horse!

More information is available on the website Tickets are available from Ticketmaster on 0870 0602328 (24 hours) and at all Ticketmaster ticket centres nationwide. Book online at For Group bookings call 08705 94949494.


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