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Horse and Owner Reunited with Farmkey

PETERBOROUGH-horse owner Pauline Barnes is celebrating being reunited with her horse Millie, after she was stolen from her field on June 13.

Millie a 10-year-old bay mare, welsh cob cross was taken from a field in Ailsworth, near Peterborough along with three other non-freezemarked horses. Fortunately, Millie was freezemarked by Farmkey which ensured her safe and speedy return.

Farmkey was on the case immediately and Millie was soon tracked down at a yard in Lincoln thanks to the help of yard owner Lorraine Wright.

Said Lorraine: "I became suspicious and noticed the horse was freezemarked so checked the Farmkey website and saw the message. I contacted Farmkey immediately."

Said Pauline: "I had arranged to meet with all the horse owners for a morale booster and to see if anyone had heard any news. We were also trying to decide what to do next.

"Whilst I was with them my husband arrived having just received a telephone call from Farmkey with news of Millies whereabouts.

"We drove straight to Lincoln to see her. It was just amazing, I was so relieved it was her and that she had been well looked after.

"I can't thank Farmkey enough for finding Millie, all horses should be freezemarked as proof to identify their horse."

Peter Mills of Farmkey said: "We are delighted Millie is back with Pauline. It is a great end to a heart searching story. The freezemark provides a visible deterrent against theft."

Farmkey, the leaders in equine freezemarking is celebrating its Silver Jubilee this year.

From the original four-digit freezemark concept, Farmkey has developed the revolutionary and discrete Micromark, the latest concept in the fight to deter theft.

The company has proved to be the number one choice for almost 200,000 UK members who know that should their horse stray or be stolen, a 24 hour/365 day nationwide back-up service is at hand.

Farmkey has links with the police, auctioneers and horse organisations, and its network is so extensive and effective that more than 95% of freezemarked horses which have been stolen are safely returned to their owners.

For more information please contact Farmkey on 0870 870 7107.

Three non-freezemarked horses are still missing and anyone with information should contact PC Weaver on 01733 563232 ext. 4557, quoting Crime Number 40946/03.


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