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Federation Equestre Internationale News


The Swiss rider Markus Fuchs put a stop to Ludger Beerbaum's reign over the FEI Gandini World Jumping Riders Rankings, which began in January 2001.

Markus Fuchs earned 360 points at the Spruce Meadows CSI 5 stars where he finished 1st in the Grand Prix with Granie and second in the Derby with La Toya III. He earned another 50 points at the French event Jumping de Cannes. Altogether, Fuchs collected 485 points during the month of June, largely compensating for the 294 points he was dropping from 2002. He is now leading the FEI Gandini Rankings with 3123 points, ahead of Ludger Beerbaum with 2690 points.

Ludger Beerbaum, undisputed leader of the FEI Gandini Rankings since the establishment of the new formula in January 2001, dropped 731 points from 2002, and scored what can nevertheless be considered as a fair amount of points (275 pts) at CHIO Aachen, , where he won the Grand Prix on Goldfever 3. Among others, the defending European Champion dropped the 445 points earned last year in Aachen as well as 151.25 points left from the 2001 European Championships in Arnhem (GER).

Marcus Ehning (GER) went up one place and is now 3rd in front of Rodrigo Pessoa. Ehning earned 375 points during the month. He finished 2nd in the Grand Prix of Aachen with For Pleasure and won the Grand Prix of Wiesbaden earlier in June.

Fantastic performance for Beezie Madden-Patton (USA) who entered the Top 10. She went up from 12th to 8th place. She scored no less than 515 points in June. In Spruce Meadows, she obtained points in all 8 competitions taken into consideration for the ranking. She won the Derby with Innocence and placed 2nd in the Grand Prix with Judgement. Good performance also from the other US riders: Peter Wylde jumped up from 18th to 12th place, Laura Kraut made an even more impressive progression from 28th to 13th place, while Norman Dello Joio is now 14th (he was 24th last month).

French rider Michel Robert, who was recently declaring to the French newspaper L'Equipe "my aim is to finish the season in the Top Ten of the World Rankings" scored 310 points during the month and fulfilled his ambition earlier than foreseen: he has just taken up the 10th position of the FEI Gandini World Riders Rankings. Beside the bonus points he earned with the French team in the Samsung Super League, he finished 3rd in the Aachen Grand Prix and 2nd in the Grand Prix of Wiesbaden.

The complete rankings can be found on the FEI website section consult, results, jumping


Ulla Salzgeber (GER) is still leading the FEI BCM World Dressage Rankings, with a slightly reduced score of 80.293 points. (80.396 last month). She won the Grand Prix of Aachen with 75.875%. Similarly to Jumping, the American riders have made remarkable progress:: two US riders are placed in the Top 3. Lisa Wilcox indeed took over the runner-up spot thanks to her 2nd place in the Kür in Aachen with Relevant. She is followed by Debbie McDonald, who placed 3rd both in the Grand Prix and in the Kür in Aachen with Brentina.

Rafael Soto Andrade (ESP), who won the Grand Prix and the Kür in Wiesbaden with his Spanish stallion Invasor entered the Top Ten and went up from 11th
to 6th place.

The Olympic Champion Anky van Grunsven (NED), who fell off her horse Gestion Joker in January and is still has not completely returned to competition is getting out of the Top Ten to take the 11th place.

The complete rankings can be found on the FEI website section consult, results, dressage

Benjamin Werndl leads the rankings ahead of Jessica Werndl and Thamara Zweistra at the end of the outdoor season
By Birgit Popp, Germany

After five qualifying shows of the FEI Waldfried Euro Future Cup a German-Dutch single combat can be seen to emerge. In the last two qualifiers of the outdoor season dominated the Werndl sister and brother of the Bavarian city of Aubenhausen (GER). While the reigning Double European Champion Juniors, Jessica Werndl, has won all three classes of the FEI Waldfried Euro Future Cup including the Prix St. Georges Kür to music at CDIJYR Neubeeren (GER), the 17-year-old rider became third in all three tests at CDI/CDIJYR Brno (CZE) and victory in the for the rankings counting kür was taken by her two years older brother Benjamin. The current European Team Champion Young Riders won ahead of the Dutch rider Thamara Zweistra, who had been already runner-up in the kür of CDIJYR Saumur (FRA).

With his victory at Brno and his second place at Neubeeren Benjamin Werndl leads the rankings of the FEI Waldfried Euro Future Cup with 37 points ahead of his sister Jessica (35). Third place (34) is covered by Thamara Zweistra ahead of her countryman Tommie Visser (30). In the places five (28) and six (22) follow the two British riders Jodie Lister and Maria Eilberg. After the cancellation of the show at Mesikon (SUI) it will have ahead of the final to be held during the International Frankfurt Horse Show on December 12 - 14, 2003, still the indoor qualifier at Wanroij (NED) on November 19 - 23, 2003.

The FEI Waldfried Euro Future Cup has become a firm figure in the international dressage sport for Young Riders and Juniors and receives Europe-wide enormous reception. In the five shows in 2003, so far, riders from 15 nations were able to gain valuable points for the rankings and therefore for a qualification for the final. Only the twelve riders receive points for the rankings, which have been qualified through two preliminary classes for the kür to music on Prix St. Georges level. In 2003 already more than hundred riders have participated in the FEI Waldfried Euro Future Cup. Of the Western European countries seven riders can qualify for the final, of
the former Eastern European countries two riders. Additionally up to three riders can participate per wildcard in the final to be held at Frankfurt on December 12 - 14, 2003, plus one rider of the U.S.A. and one rider of Canada. This makes the Euro Cup for the first time to a World Cup. Manfred Louven, who is with his Waldfried Dressage Stables at Frankfurt am Main (GER) the title sponsor since 2000, is very satisfied with the development of the series, "With our commitment we want to help that more nations become interested in top level dressage sport and we want to offer the 16- to 21-year-old dressage riders the possibility to compete across national borders in top-level horse shows."

Complete standings on:


Switzerland is in the lead of the Samsung Nations Cup standings with 28 points after CSIO Drammen (NOR) which was held from 24 to 29 June. Runner-up is Spain, with 14 points, followed by Norway (13.5) points.

The next event to count for the Samsung Nations Cup Series is CSIO 5 stars Falsterbo (SWE) to be held from 10 to 13 July.

At the end of the season, the best placed in the Standings the Samsung Nations Cup Series will earn its qualification to the Samsung Super League, while the last-placed team in the Samsung Super League will be relegated.


It had been a longstanding ambition of the FEI's to establish a linked series in Eventing, the goal of which would be to develop the sport throughout the world. Thanks to the consistent efforts of the FEI Technical Committee, the FEI Eventing World Cup was launched with success in August 2002 at Gatcombe Park (GBR).

The response of both competitors and organisers has been enthusiastic. So far, ten events in eight countries (Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Sweden and the USA) have hosted a World Cup qualifier. More than 220 riders from over 25 countries have taken part in the qualifiers so far and 120 of them have earned points counting towards the final standings. The event organisers have also been firmly behind the project achieving an outstanding level of prize money for Eventing. This promising beginning is an evidence of the Series' timely appearance on the sports scene and its potential to enhance the profile of Eventing.

Currently, the following ten riders are in the lead with 30 points: Philip Dutton (AUS), Nicholas Roe (AUS), William Fox-Pitt (GBR), Andrew Nicholson (NZL), Jean Teulere (FRA), Gina Miles (USA), Bettina Hoy (GER), Andreas Dibowski (GER), Gustavo Mourao (BRA) and Pia Pantsu (FIN).

The coming months of July and August will be busy ones as eight more qualifiers will be held beginning with Lulworth (GBR) and Warwick (AUS) on 25 - 27 July and ending with Malmö (SWE) on 28 - 31 August.

The Final will be held in Pau (FRA) on 23 - 26 October. No less than 45 riders, some of them Olympic or World champions, are expected to take part in it. On the basis of the large international representation and the quality of riders' participation, momentum is steadily building towards an exceptional end of season and an exciting Final in Pau.


Fred Merriam (USA) is leading the FEI North American Driving Challenge for Singles, supported by Freedman's Harness and Driving Essentials, with 38 points, ahead of Kent Brownridge (USA) and Sue Mott (CAN). Fred Merriam finished first at CAI-A Blainville (CAN) which took place from 20 to 22 June.

Elisabeth Singer is leading the standings for the Pairs, with 35 points, ahead of Larry Poulin (USA) and Deb Laderoute (CAN) with 19 and 18 respectively.

No Four-in-Hand carriages competed in Blainville. Chester Weber (USA) still leads the FEI North American Challenge for Four-in-Hand with an unchanged score of 17.

The complete standings and rules for their calculation can be found on the FEI website, section consult, results, driving.


After last competition in Moorsele (BEL) on 29 June, Wim Vos (NED) is leading the Young Riders category of the Golden Years Trophy with 101 points, ahead of Johnny Stevens (BEL) and Ben Maher (GBR).

Gudrun Patteet (BEL) is leading the standings in the Junior category, followed by Michiel Quintelier (BEL) and Nadine Schlotterbeck (SUI).

The next competition counting towards the Golden Years Trophy, a series aiming at developing Jumping at Junior and Young Rider level, will take
place in Le Mans (FRA) on 14 September 2003.


Mr Peter Osterman has joined the team of the FEI Secretariat on 5 May 2003. Of Australian origin, Mr Osterman grew up in Canada and has been living and
working in Switzerland for the past 20 years. His professional experience includes, among others, work in an international accounting firm, a film copyright collection and distribution company, the pharmaceutical, luxury watch and private jet aircraft industries. He is a Chartered Accountant and holds a post-graduate diploma in business administration from McGill University in Montreal.

Mr Osterman will officially take over his new position on 1 July 2003. The FEI Secretariat welcomes Peter Osterman to the FEI and wishes him a good start.

After reaching retirement age at the end of June 2003, following more than 10 years with the FEI, Dr Beat H. Schatzmann will continue being involved in the FEI on a part-time basis e.g. assisting Mr. Osterman in the transition, co-organising the General Assembly and working on some projects for the Secretary General and the Finance Committee.


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