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horse 2003 Hampton Classic Poster On Sale Now
New Poster Evokes the Power of the Horse
Artist Alicia Rothman Continues 25-Year Tradition

BRIDGEHAMPTON, NY—July 14, 2003—An image of the 2003 Hampton Classic poster may now be viewed on the Hampton Classic website at Artist Alicia Rothman of Brooklyn, NY, has created a unique and innovative image for the collectible poster. The poster is a reduction painting of three horses that evokes the musculature of the horse. Online poster orders placed now will be filled in early August.

The 28th annual Hampton Classic Horse Show, which runs from August 24-31 and benefits the Southampton Hospital, is a showcase for hunter and jumper competition from junior levels through Olympic caliber jumpers, culminating with the $150,000 Prudential Financial Grand Prix on Sunday, August 31.


Since 1977, the Hampton Classic’s art poster series has included images of a diverse group of paintings and drawings of some of the country’s leading equestrian artists. Avid collectors have snapped up signed editions of the annual posters by artists such as Paul Davis, Henry Koehler, Nina Duran, and Mickey Paraskevas.

Alicia Rothman’s 2003 poster is a creative expression of the stature that the horse has represented throughout time. Rothman captured the beauty and musculature of the horse by using a reduction method. Rothman painted an entire panel with oil, and then she ‘erased’ some of the paint to reveal the horses.

“Erasing the paint out of the background coat gives the painting a different, mysterious quality. The patterns are evocative of the subject rather than literal,” said Rothman, whose artwork can be viewed at The Dillon Gallery in Oyster Bay, New York, or at “I like the symbolic nature of freedom and muscle that the horse has represented since prehistoric times.”

The poster can be previewed at the Hampton Classic website at or in the Boutique Garden at the Snake Hollow Road showgrounds from August 24 through August 31.

Alicia Rothman will exhibit additional oil paintings and drawings of hers in the poster booth in the Classic’s Boutique Garden. Many of Rothman’s collectors will be coming to see the poster, and she will be on hand to sign copies.

Alicia Rothman received her BA from Binghamton University’s Harpur College in New York. She then received a scholarship to Indiana University in Bloomington, where she obtained a Masters in Fine Art. Alicia Rothman’s main subjects are horses, as well as dancers. “Both dancers and horses each represent an ideal of form,” said Rothman. Rothman’s collectors include The Muscarelle Museum of Art at The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia; Prudential Bache Securities, Inc.; The White House; and private individuals. Her work is represented by Dillon Gallery in Oyster Bay, New York,

For more information on the Hampton Classic be sure to visit the website at or call 631-537-3177.



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