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HorseIT Sponsors the Show Hunter Pony Championships at the NPS Summer Championships.

HorseIT is delighted to be able to sponsor the Show Hunter Pony Championships this summer.

The Show pony world are avid users of the internet with a good variety of dedicated showing websites so we are delighted to be able to support these Championships and increase the awareness of to that group of users. is one of the largest online equestrian portals. It provides information on new products, association news, online classifieds, online shopping and the award winning equestrian online directory,equibusiness.

Started by an equestrienne who has been involved in racing, showing, show jumping, eventing,breeding and whose family have been International breed judges, jockeys and equestrian Olympians. This is a top class website offering a professional service.

So if you are looking for any kind of equestrian information or service then have a look at


Find out more, visit the links page or find answers on the message board.


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