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Autumn Worming For Your Horse

With the nights drawing in, horse owners should be thinking of treating their horses at the end of the grazing season for tapeworm and small redworms.

Tapeworm is known to infect horses throughout the year because its host, the forage mite, survives on pasture, hay and bedding. Intervet's 3-year worming plan advises horse owners to administer a double dose of Pyratape P, which contains pyrantel as its active ingredient, at six monthly intervals - in September, at the end of the grazing season, and in March, at the beginning of the grazing season. Pyratape P is also a routine wormer and will remove the adult stages of large redworms, small redworms, roundworm and pinworms found in the gastro-intestinal tract.

To eliminate small redworm larvae acquired during the spring and summer months, the 3-year worming plan advises horse owners to administer Panacur Equine Guard, which contains fenbendazole as its active ingredient. The product is the only wormer licensed to remove all stages of redworm larvae from the gut wall and it should be used for five consecutive days in November to remove encysted redworm larvae acquired during the spring and summer months and in February to remove encysted redworm larvae acquired during winter grazing.

Panacur Equine Guard being added to feed

Pyratape P being administered

A five-day course of Panacur Equine guard should also be given to new horses, whatever the time of year, with a double dose of Pyratape P given on the sixth day.

For further information about Panacur and Pyratape P, please contact the Intervet literature line on 0800 169 5351.


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