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Top names of the worldwide equestrian to San Patrignano

Further to the new CSI categorisation system approved by the International Equestrian Federation, the 7th International Championship of San Patrignano, scheduled to take place on July 18-20, 2003 in the equestrian centre of the largest community for the rehabilitation of drug addicts in Europe, has become a CSI four-star event: qualification reserved to high technical level competitions with a consistent prize money.

Such a recognition is confirmed by the attendance of 47 riders representing 18 countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein, Mexico, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, USA. Many stars of the international rankings have already confirmed their participation in the event, beginning from the Swiss Markus Fuchs n. 1 of the FEI world rankings, followed by the Belgians Jos Lankin (n. 5) and Ludo Philippaerts (n. 11) and by the Italian Gianni Govoni (n.16) whose extraordinary results during the first part of this season confirm his 5 place in the World Championships of Jerez. In addition to them, two top riders who played a leading role in the spanish World Championships: the Irish champion Dermot Lennon (n. 45) with his Liscagot and the third ranked, the American Peter Wylde (n. 12). Lastly, among the rich list of competitors, the French Michel Robert (n. 10), who competed for many years with the San Patrignano's horses gaining the individual and team silver in the '94 World Championships; and the two aces of equestrian sport: the British brothers John (n°23) e Michael Whitaker (n°34), whose extraordinary results marked over 20 years of show jumping.

Course designer of the event will be once again the German Olaf Petersen, and following the tradition of San Patrignano CSI****, during each of the three days, the most important competitions will take place in the evening.

The Championship will open on Friday 18th (9.00 pm) with the "Tamoil Award", a mixed jump competition, 150 cm height, and will continue on Saturday 19th (10.00 pm) with the hunting competition "Grande Chasse Acqua Uliveto". The "Gran Premio Wind - Challenge Vincenzo Muccioli", will close the event on Sunday 20th (9.15 pm): a two manches jumping competition awarding the riders with 90.000 €., a significant amount in the total money-prize of 190.000 €.



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