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Condios 3rd in Inaugural International Grand Prix

Condios, the 8-year-old Holsteiner stallion owned by Morningside Stud in County Clare, placed 3rd in the first career international Grand Prix and, in so doing,
has qualified to compete in the upcoming European Championship.

At the CSIO-Drammen (Norway) last weekend, Condios and his rider Henrik Steen Gundersen placed 3rd in the Volvo Penta Norway Grand Prix. Out of a field of 49 starters, only Condios and four other horses jumped clear in the first round. In the second round's jump-off against the clock, the only clears were by the winner, Norway's Geir Gulliksen riding Clear Rounds Then Party (43.32 seconds), second place finisher John Whitaker riding Lactik Two (44.36), and Gundersen and Condios placing third (44.80).

Earlier in the weekend Condios and Gundersen placed in the Kingsland Trophy 1.50 metre class.

Condios (Coriano x Landgraf I) recently returned to competition after being quarantined for six months for semen freezing. Since his return to competition on May
3, Condios has won one 1.30 metre class, placed in 8 out of the 10 1.40 or 1.50 metre classes he has jumped, and placed in his first international Grand Prix.

Progeny of Condios and other top performance stallions will be offered for sale at Ireland's inaugural SCOPE Auction on August 2-3. Further information may be
found at or by ringing +353.87.222.9701


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