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Guenter Seidel Named USET Athlete of the Month for July 2002

Gladstone, NJ—July 31, 2002—Guenter Seidel was named United States Equestrian Team (USET) Athlete of the Month for July after he topped a world-class field of international dressage competitors at CDI*** Norten-Hardenberg in Germany, July 25-28.

Riding Nikolaus 7, owned by Dick and Jane Brown, Seidel was the top competitor, winning the Grand Prix and placing third in the Grand Prix Freestyle. In the Grand Prix, Seidel and Nikolaus 7 scored an impressive 71.06% to edge a star-studded field of riders, many of whom competed on their likely horses for this year’s Dressage World Championships to be held at the World Equestrian Games in September.

In the Grand Prix Freestyle, Seidel and Nikolaus received a score of 77.90%, one of the highest scores ever received by a U.S. dressage competitor. The two-time Olympic team Bronze Medalist finished behind only two-time Olympian Rafael Soto Andrade of Spain who scored 79.33% on Invasor and three-time Olympic team Gold Medalist Isabell Werth of Germany who received a score of 77.95% on Antonio FRH. Andrade and Werth placed second and third respectively to Seidel in the Grand Prix.

The United States Equestrian Team is a non-profit organization that selects, trains, equips and finances equestrians of the highest possible standard to represent our country in major international competition, including the Olympic Games and the World Championships. To accomplish this, the USET seeks out and nurtures the development of talented athletes - riders, drivers and horses - and provides the support and guidance they need to help them attain their fullest potential. For more information on the USET, please call (908) 234-1251, or visit USET ONLINE at


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