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horse Calmly conditioned - health and shine without the excitement.

"Each winter my 18-year-old Part-bred Arab went loopy and it was difficult to keep his weight on. I tried all sorts of feeds, but with no success, until I tried Calm and Condition."

This is a typical response from someone who has just started using Allen and Page's Calm and Condition. For a horse that is prone to 'heating up', finding a feed that really boosts condition can be a headache - you need to provide more energy (calories) but in a form that won't make him excitable. Calm and Condition is specifically designed to help your horse gain condition whilst avoiding the 'heating up' that often results from other conditioning feeds.

"After just two weeks I noticed a difference in his behaviour. Instead of jogging home, he walked at an active but calm pace," reported Mrs Jackie Rose.

Calm and Condition includes a unique blend of quality oils, premium-grade herbs and Protexin Probiotics, which encourage efficient digestion. It is also high in fibre, low in starch and has elevated levels vitamins and minerals. As with any Allen and Page feed product, Calm and Condition is made without animal fats, GM ingredients, recovered oils, fishmeal and 'nature-identical' products. So if you need to boost your horse's condition and keep him calm at the same time, then Calm and Condition is the logical choice.

Mrs Rose just about sums it up - "Calm and Condition is amazing, and true to its name."


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