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BETA To Sponsor Best Stand Awards At BEE

BETA is once again sponsoring the Best Large and Small Stand Awards at the Your Horse British Equine Event at Stoneleigh Park on 1-2 November.

Last year the difficult task of judging went to BETA Field Officer Tricia Nassau-Williams. Hilton Herbs and Thorowgood were rewarded for their efforts.

More than 300 stands offering for all things equestrian are expected in the 2004 retail village which offers unrivalled pre-Christmas shopping.

BETA Chief Executive and Secretary Claire Williams said: "The standard improves every year and we are always delighted to sponsor the best stand awards when so many people go to so much effort.

"People who come always want to find out about the latest developments and techniques on offer, displaying them on an attractive stand will certainly draw the visitors in."

Among the other attractions - the 2002 event was attended by over 15,000 riders and horse owners - are performances by top international showjumper Tim Stockdale, world number one event rider William Fox-Pitt and Olympic dressage rider Carl Hester in the main arena.


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