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horse British Horse Society appoints new training and examinations manager

The British Horse Society is delighted to announce the appointment of Margaret Linington-Payne as its new Senior Manager responsible for Examinations, Training and Approvals. 51-year-old Mrs Linington-Payne is an experienced equestrian instructor and competitor and comes to the BHS following three years as academic manager at Hartpury College.

The post covers a wide remit with the main purpose to manage and co-ordinate the activities of the examinations, training and approvals departments in order to meet the demands of the Society's growing membership, as well as maintaining the high standards of the world renowned professional BHS qualifications.

Mrs Linington-Payne is highly qualified to fulfil the role with an MA in education, a BA Honours Degree, a Cert.Ed. and is a BHS Instructor. She has worked for nearly ten years in the Middle East in the academic profession having a variety of posts in management and teaching.

In England she was proprietor and chief instructor at The Mounts Equitation Centre, based on the Shropshire/Worcestershire border near Ludlow, where she still lives with her husband and eleven year old daughter who is a member of the Ludlow Pony Club.

Past competition history involved jumping under BSJA rules and at affiliated horse trials. Margaret has now turned her talents to dressage and is a Listed judge and competes at PSG level on her own Mounts Boy Bishop, a 12 year old Irish Draught cross Thoroughbred gelding, given to her as a yearling following an accident when he became blind in one eye.

BHS chief executive Kay Driver said, "We are very pleased to have Margaret on the BHS staff. To meet the needs of our members the Society requires high calibre staff and we are confident that Margaret's appointment will fulfil that need extremely well." Mrs Linington-Payne added, "I am very excited by the challenge of the role and look forward to working with established staff and development officers to ensure that the BHS message is loud and clear. We can learn something from everyone and I want to ensure that the Society is providing the best information and tuition."


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