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horse Tim Stockdale To Compere Livery Yard Seminars

Showjumping star Tim Stockdale is to compere two seminars being presented by The British Horse Society to promote its acclaimed Livery Yard Approvals Scheme

"Your Horse - Your Livery Yard" will be presented at the Baileys Horse Feeds Learning Centre during the Your Horse British Equine Event, scheduled for November 1 and 2 at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire.

"Livery has such an important place in today's horse world and we want people to understand how they can recognise a well run yard," said the Society's chief executive, Kay Driver. "Approval under the scheme means the proprietor can display our coveted green plaque, which must be seen as an indication of excellence."

And Tim Stockdale added: "We have to keep up standards at livery yards and this is a very effective way to do it. I'm very happy to help."

The seminars will explain the scheme's demands on livery yards and also publicise how owners can get a list of approved establishments.

The British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) asked the Society to look at livery yards after veterinary surgeons expressed some concerns over welfare. "But we want people to understand that as well as monitoring standards, it will make it easier for owners to find yards they can trust," said BEVA spokes person Mrs Lesley Barwise-Munro.


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