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HAPPINESS is raising $1057.70 for Cancer Research - Jenn MacRae, Shelley Loren, Clay Webster and Sherry Menard.
Horsemanship Clinic And Cancer Benefit

Blackland's character cat gives Nikki Downey help
holding her clipboard

In support of Cancer research, Blackland Ranch hosted a Clay Webster Reining/Horsemanship Clinic on August 9 and 10, 2003. The event fared very well despite current financial stresses on the agricultural industry, and at the end of the two days $1,057.70 was tallied in support of the Canadian

Cancer Society. Organizers Jenn MacRae and Sherry Menard were pleased with the results. All the clinic participants, Nikki Downey, Kerri Russell, Deb Stefiuk, Sherry Menard, Gene Gawreletz, Jamie Motta, and Shelley Loren, were all reportedly happy with the information they received.

Organizer Sherry Menard stated, "During the planning stages of this benefit, I was taken by the number of individuals whose lives had been altered by this devastating disease, and choose to put their support towards raising money for the cause."

Due to the loss of his mother Faye, in 1995 to leukemia, Webster dedicates himself to a number of benefit charities each year, to help raise money for a cure. Joining alongside Blackland Ranch and Clay Webster Performance Horses Inc. were The Mill Store, Busy Bee Delivery, PS video and Saddlebags Horse Paraphernalia..

Clay instructs Deb Stefiuk on working with her two-year old Surprise Entertainer filly


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