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Del Mar International Horse Show begins 4th season, Sept 25 - 28

DEL MAR Fairgrounds --- The Del Mar International Horse Show, September 25 - 28, at the Del Mar Fairgrounds Arena, in San Diego; will showcase the athletic prowess, skill, and agility of some of the best Hunter/Jumper equestrians in the nation.

This is the fourth year the world-class equestrian event will be held in the Del Mar Arena, and will feature an F.E.I. World Cup Qualifier event, the $35,000 Del Mar International Grand Prix, on Saturday, Sept 27; beginning at 7 p.m.

Other major competitions during the Del Mar International include the fun and popular $5,000 Mary's Tack and Feed Double Slalom "Knock Out" competition on Friday, Sept. 26; and the $5,000 Junior/Amateur Jumper Classic on Sunday, September 28th.

The first major contest during the Del Mar International is the $5,000 Mary's Tack and Feed Double Slalom "Knock Out" competition on Friday, Sept. 27 at 7 p.m. This event is unique to the International. Two riders will compete at the same time over identical courses of not more than eight obstacles. The winner of each pair will move forward to succeeding rounds, until the competition is complete. Each fault during the match is penalized :03 seconds. This exciting and highly competitive event is free and open to the public.

The highlight of the four-day show is the $35,000 International Grand Prix, on Saturday, Sept 27; beginning at 7 p.m. The top Jumper riders will compete for the $35,000 prize money in this highly anticipated event. Will Simpson, riding El Campeon Farm's Ado Annie, will try for an unprecedented fourth consecutive grand prix win.
Sunday, July 28, will feature the $5,000 Junior/Amateur Jumper Classic (Section II); as well as, the $1,000 Children's/Adult Jumper Classic, $1,000 Junior/Amateur Modified Jumper Classic, and the $1,500 Junior/Amateur Jumper Classic (Section I).

The daily competitions and the Double Slalom match races are FREE and open to the public. Daytime Horse Show hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. All evening competitions begin at 7 p.m.

Admission for the Grand Prix is $8 for Grandstand seating, $10 for Box seats, and $300 for an 8-seat Gourmet Box. Reserved Grandstand seating is available through Ticketmaster, by calling: (619) 220-TIXS (8497).

Potential competitors for the Del Mar International can register on-line at: <>

For show schedule, prize list, or additional information, visit the horse show's website:, or contact the Del Mar Fairgrounds Equestrian Center by calling 858-792-4288.


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