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Federation Equestre Internationale News

FEI Eventing World Cup News

The coming weekend will be a busy one for Eventing as two qualifiers of the FEI Eventing World Cup will be held in Strzegom (POL) and Moscow (RUS) from 8 through 10 August.

Strzegom (POL)

The 13th leg of the FEI Eventing World Cup will be held in the Polish town of Strzegom (Lower Silesia, South-Western Poland). The event has EUR 25,000 as prize money. Twenty-five riders and 34 horses representing Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland and Sweden are expected to take part in it. Among them

. Karin Donckers (BEL), an Olympic rider and currently 8th in the FEI World Eventing Rankings. This is Karin's third World Cup participation after Martinvast-Cherbourg (FRA) and Nichelino (ITA) in August and November 2002 respectively. She placed 3rd in Martinvast riding Gormley and won 20 points. She is bringing two horses to Strzegom, Chumbawumba and Captain Nightcap with whom she placed 2nd and 6th respectively in the CCI*** Bialy Bor (POL) two months ago.

. Andreas Dibowski (GER), one of the current standings leaders. He has been very successful in this first World Cup season winning in Nichelino, being the runner up in Bonn-Rodderberg (GER) in May 2003 and placing 4th in Riddersborg-Malmö (SWE) in August 2002. Given that he and Bettina Hoy are the only German riders to hold 30 points and that, according to the rules, four Germany is allocated places in the Final, Dibowski's presence in Pau looks more than likely.

. Linda Algotsson (SWE), number 36 in the FEI World Eventing Rankings. She has entered two horses for Strzegom: the 11-year old gelding Fair Dobbin with whom she recently won CIC*** Hamburg-Horn (GER), and the 14-year old gelding Stand By Me with she placed 15th in this year's CCI**** Badminton. This is Linda's third participation in a World Qualifier after the inaugural qualifier at Gatcombe and Chatsworth. As she holds only 10 points, a good result in this qualifier is of particular importance for participation in the Final.

. Three of the four riders representing the host nation were already in Nichelino: Marcin Konarski, Kamil Rajnert and Andrjej Pasek, where they placed 15th, 17th and 18th respectively. Pawel Rutkowski will be making his World Cup debut.

Dressage Test: 8 August, 9h00
Cross Country: 9 August, 11h00
Jumping Test: 10 August, 15h00, immediately followed by the prize-giving ceremony

The 14th leg of the FEI Eventing World Cup will be held in at the Planernya Equestrian Club in the Russian capital. The event is organised by the Russian Equestrian Federation in cooperation with the State Sports Committee and the Moscow Area Governor's Office. It is sponsored by the Moscow Trade Union Federation. The total prize money is USD 10,000 with USD 3,000 going to the winner.

Ten riders and 14 horses representing Russia, Belarus and Ukraine will take part in it. All of them will be making their World Cup, except for the Russian Larisa Borisova who competed at Bonn-Rodderberg last May but did not earn any points. The presence of the 20-year old Aliaksandr Faminou of Belarus, who recently won the CCI* Minsk, should be noted.

Dressage Test: 8 August, 11h00
Cross Country: 9 August, 10h00
Jumping Test: 10 August, 14h00, immediately followed by the prize-giving ceremony

The full lists of qualified riders and horses for both competitions are available from the FEI Communications Department.

So far, 243 riders from 24 countries have taken part in the FEI Eventing World Cup series and 133 have obtained points. The following 12 riders are currently in the lead of the standings with 30 points: Philip Dutton (AUS), Nicholas Roe (AUS), Megan Jones (AUS), William Fox-Pitt (GBR), Leslie Law (GBR), Andrew Nicholson (NZL), Jean Teulere (FRA), Gina Miles (USA), Bettina Hoy (GER), Andreas Dibowski (GER), Gustavo Mourao (BRA) and Pia Pantsu (FIN). The full standings are available at

For the full results of registered Eventing riders and horses, please visit


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