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Junior Jumper David Tromp Crowned Champion at Hampton Classic

Bridgehampton, NY—August 28, 2003—David Tromp of North Salem, NY, jumped his way to the Junior Jumper Championship title at the 28th annual Hampton Classic Horse Show in Bridgehampton, NY.

Following a win in Wednesday’s $2,000 Junior Jumper competition riding Calvin, Tromp, 17, again topped the standings in Thursday’s $5,000 Junior Jumper competition, this time aboard Jasper Gold. The two wins easily earned Tromp the Junior Jumper Championship, open to riders aged 18 and under.

In the $5,000 Junior Jumper competition, Tromp was one of nine riders to post a clear round and advance to the jump-off. While four riders were again able to jump clear, Tromp had the fastest time, 35.47 seconds, to take the win.

“He’s a really fast horse, he likes to jump, and he goes for it,” said Tromp, showing at the Hampton Classic for the third consecutive year. “It is very rare that he doesn’t have a clear round. He tries really hard, he’s a fun horse, and I am very lucky to have him.”

Tromp has been riding Jasper Gold, a nine-year-old bay gelding, for owner Sagamore Farm of Oyster Bay, NY, since the beginning of this year. The two have had great success together, winning a junior/amateur championship title earlier this summer at CSI-W Blainville, Canada.

Tromp was not the only member of his family to earn a championship title on Thursday at the 2003 Hampton Classic Horse Show. His older sister, Emmy, 19, won the Amateur/Owner Jumper Championship riding Amelia. There is also a future champion in nine-year-old younger brother, Mattias, who has just begun riding in the short stirrup classes. All three family members train with Jeffrey Welles, a two-time Hampton Classic Grand Prix victor and the winner of the first jumper competition offered at the 2003 Hampton Classic, the $20,000 David Yurman Time Challenge.

“He’s able to explain how things need to be done,” notes Tromp, who has been training with Welles for the past five years. “He understands how a horse needs to be ridden, and how to adopt your style of riding for each horse.”

The 28th Hampton Classic Horse Show features the top riders in the country competing in Bridgehampton, NY. Officially opened on Sunday, August 24, the Hampton Classic Horse Show runs until Sunday, August 31, when it culminates with the $150,000 Prudential Financial Grand Prix, a member event of the King Shavings U.S. Grand Prix League (USGPL).

Additional highlights include Friday’s $30,000 Adequan® Fiesta Day Grand Prix, the qualifying event for Sunday’s $150,000 Prudential Financial Grand Prix, and the $25,000 Sally Hansen Grand Prix on Saturday.

Numerous activities and exhibitions will take place throughout the week while shopping is at its best in the Boutique Garden and Stable Row. There is no lack of choice when it comes time to eat with numerous on-site restaurants offering a variety of choices.

Admission is $5 per person or $15 per carload, with children under 6 admitted free. Reserved grandstand seating for Grand Prix Sunday, August 31, is $15 per person (in addition to $5/person or $15/carload admission) or $25 per person in the special Premium Seating center sections. Parking is free throughout the show week.


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