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Apprentice Masterclass

Stubbing Court Training, the provider of equestrian training throughout Derbyshire is celebrating the success of its second Masterclass, supported by Derbyshire Learning and Skills Council. The Masterclass took place over two days in July, at Barleyfields Equestrian Centre, Etwall. The trainer for the Masterclass was Ian Stark OBE, Great Britain's four times Olympic silver medallist, three times winner of the Badminton Horse Trials, European champion, and selector for the British team.

During the Masterclass, participants improved their practical skills and underpinning knowledge of world-class training techniques, riding, lunging, jumping, specialist care of event horses up to Olympic level, and yard management. Participants included 80 apprentices and employers involved in Stubbing Court Training's Modern Apprenticeship programme.

Ian Stark presented all participants with certificates and also acted as final judge for Stubbing Court Training's Achievement Awards, which recognise exceptional commitment and progress towards achieving the qualifications. The two lucky winners are Louise Adams and Ben McClumpha who both work for Andrew Saywell, a British team international showjumper. Andrew said of his trainees: "Louise is extremely committed to her work and has improved immensely. She is exceptionally good at always noticing any ailments or injuries with the horses. Ben has shown exceptional progress - he has broken in young horses - taking them through to competing at British Show Jumping Association shows. I am extremely proud of them both".


Both winners were nominated by Andrew and will spend a week with Ian Stark at his event yard in Scotland.

Belinda Turner, Chief Executive of Stubbing Court Training said, "The visible improvement after the trainees had spent time with Ian was remarkable. Feedback from the trainees and employers was excellent, many of them saying that it was the most fantastic opportunity to be able to learn from a true professional, they can't wait to try out what they've learned".


Ian Stark said: "The students and employers were great, they got very involved and made sure they asked lots of questions, which was very positive. The winners of the Achievement Awards have progressed really well, I saw them earlier in the year and their performance has really come on. The Stubbing Court Modern Apprenticeship programme is working very well indeed, in improving the skills of trainees and employers alike".

Caroline Thornton, an employer of Modern Apprentices and producer of competition horses said, "It was great watching the trainees gain experience. I also found it a really valuable day and am looking forward to the next Masterclass - it can't come soon enough".


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